Guyana Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in guyana, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Agriculture Sector
Last published date:

Agriculture is a major export earner for Guyana and employs roughly 17 percent of the labor force. In 2022, the agriculture sector contributed approximately 25 percent to non-oil GDP.  The GoG views agriculture as important for the diversification of the economy.  The GoG is working to revive sugar production and is making significant investments to boost rice, corn, and soybean production. 

The GoG views investment in agriculture as critical for addressing food security and diversifying the economy away from oil and gas.  Guyana’s tropical climate and topography allows production of crops that differ largely from those grown in the cooler climates of the United States.  Guyana’s large amounts of arable land, favorable climatic conditions, proximity to the United States and access to CARICOM markets makes it an attractive investment destination for potential investors. 

Subsector Best prospects


Guyana’s agriculture sector utilizes some heavy equipment and there are opportunities to supply processing and harvesting equipment.  Current commercial agriculture practices are not technologically driven but opportunities exist for the integration of sophisticated technologies including GPS, robotics, and precision agriculture systems.  However, when bidding on equipment tenders the embassy has noted an opaque tender process that limits the attractiveness of investing the time and effort needed to bid on tenders. Working with a local partner can assist in finding opportunities locally.


Guyana has attractive conditions for a dynamic seafood and fisheries industry.  These include a long Atlantic coastal area and an extensive network of rivers.  The United States is the primary market for most seafood exports.  Guyana enjoys vast fishery resources in the Atlantic Ocean, both in its coastal areas and its Exclusive Economic Zone, an area equivalent to 64 percent of the country’s landmass.  This area contains highly productive marine fisheries, producing prawns, shrimp, and a variety of commercial fish.  On shore, the GoG is exploring the potential to integrate fish farming with rice production.  Through the Ministry of Agriculture, Guyana is exploring production of Tambaqui, Red, and Nile Tilapia to export within the Caribbean market.

Livestock development 

The GoG is courting investments into the production of meat (beef and lamb), poultry products, milk, and milk products for both domestic consumption and export to the Caribbean.  Guyana’s savannahs provide a favorable environment for free range cattle grazing, however, there are challenges with cattle rustling, difficult transportation, and limited processing facilities.  Guyana is, as of the date of this report, certified as foot-and-mouth disease free, providing it with favorable access to many markets.  Additionally, the GoG seeks PPPs to develop dairy processing facilities and modern slaughterhouses.  Opportunities exist for development of supply chain services for the dairy industry such as transport, processing, packaging, and storage.  Cold chain management is in its infancy in Guyana. U.S. firms can offer to provide select breeding stock and artificial insemination services for Guyana’s diversification of livestock program.

Large Scale Commercial Cultivation of Horticultural Crops, Fruits, and Vegetables

Guyana offers a favorable climate to produce oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, limes, mangoes, Manilkara, zapota, papayas, pineapples, and passion fruit.  Due to a lack of infrastructure, exporters must be able to establish modern post-harvest handling, good food safety standards, and quality check systems to prevent spoilage in transit and meet international phytosanitary controls.  Additional value can be achieved by shipping selected fruits to destination markets by air, ensuring maximum freshness.  The GoG has designated large tracts of land free of agricultural chemicals, providing a unique opportunity to meet a growing demand for organic products in North America and Europe.  Organic cocoa, pineapple, and heart of palm are already being grown for export and can be scaled up to increase capacity, though product consistency will require specific investments. Opportunities exist to certify organic food and create a food safety system.  Guyana’s ability to supply international markets is currently hampered by the time required to transport its products to market.

Value-Added Processing

Guyana has an abundance of fruits and vegetables which do not make it to market due to a lack of supply chain logistics and value-added processing, like canning or drying fruits, which can prolong shelf life.  As Guyana’s energy costs decrease and value-added industries become more economically feasible, companies may explore opportunities to market Guyana’s abundant and high-quality produce to international markets. 


Opportunities in Guyana’s agriculture sector are diverse across the supply chain and the GoG is aggressively courting investments into the sector.  There are tax concessions available for agriculture-focused investors and barrier-free access to the CARICOM market allows for an immediate and attractive market.


Ministry of Agriculture

Guyana Rice Development Board

New Guyana Marketing Corporation

National Agriculture and Research Extension Institute

Guyana Livestock Development Authority

Guyana Office for Investment (GOINVEST)