Ghana Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in ghana, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
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The Government of Ghana continues to expand access to healthcare coverage and the scope of benefits it makes available to its citizens. Ghana’s 2021 census results report 68.6 % of the population is covered by either the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) or private health insurance schemes. There is a higher rate of health insurance coverage for females (72.6%) than males (64.5%). Health insurance coverage ranges from a low of 51.9% in the Oti Region to a high of 86.2 % in the Upper East Region. The National Health Insurance Scheme provides coverage for a limited scope of health issues, primarily insuring for treatment against the most prevalent diseases, such as malaria. For more information about health insurance coverage in Ghana, please see our Market Intelligence.

The healthcare sector in Ghana is organized at three different levels: national, regional, and district. Health interventions are packaged for each level and are delivered to the respective clinics and hospitals.

Healthcare is variable throughout Ghana. Urban centers are well served, and are where most hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies in the country can be found. Rural areas often have no modern healthcare services. Patients in these areas either rely on traditional African medicine or travel great distances for healthcare. Most healthcare is provided by the government and is largely administered by the Ministry of Health and the Ghana Health Services. The healthcare system has five levels of providers: 1) health posts, the first level of primary care in rural areas; 2) health centers and clinics; 3) district hospitals; 4) regional hospitals; and 5) tertiary hospitals.  

Ghana spends on average about six percent of its GDP on healthcare infrastructure. The COVID 19 pandemic exposed large gaps in the health sector, including the need to construct more district-level hospitals.

Sub-Sector Best Prospects

Ghana has very limited local production of pharmaceuticals and even less manufacturing of medical equipment and devices. The country relies on imports for approximately 85 percent of its total healthcare consumption.

Private health facilities complement the public sector. Ghana has sought to introduce more private-sector participation into the healthcare sector. The most dynamic growth and most exciting opportunities will be found in privately funded hospitals and clinics and in the non-state-controlled portion of the pharmaceutical sector. Clients value the quality and convenience of private facilities. There is a growing middle class that prefers to use private health facilities and can afford the expense.

Below are areas of potential commercial opportunity:

  • Construction of hospitals and clinics
  • Diagnostic and laboratory facilities and referrals (histopathology)
  • Drug procurement and pharmaceutical supplies management
  • Medical equipment
  • Digital hospital equipment
  • ICT hospital management
  • Hospital waste management
  • Diagnostic imaging and digital imaging
  • Advanced laboratory equipment
  • Advanced life support and monitoring systems
  • Emergency response and ambulance services
  • Rehabilitation and physiotherapy

Other opportunities meriting further exploration:

  • Commercial health insurance
  • Public hospitals and clinics
  • Elderly and residential care
  • Occupational health and rehabilitation/physiotherapy
  • Dialysis centers
  • Multidisciplinary cancer treatment centers
  • First aid and air ambulance services
  • Diagnostic services such as X-ray, MRI, CT, advanced laboratory services including histopathology
  • Services for the maintenance and repair of medical equipment
  • Mortuary services/Funeral homes

Contact: U.S. Commercial Service Ghana Commercial Specialist Victoria Agbai at or +233 (0) 30 274 1184 for more information.


Ghana Investment Promotion Center