Gabon Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in gabon, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
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Gabon is a country known for its environmental biodiversity.  It also has the potential to attract tourists from around the world to experience the country’s remarkable wildlife, scenery, beaches, and favorable weather.  The country was featured in National Geographic’s documentary “Gabon: The Last Eden” for its diversity of untouched forests.  More recently, the Congo Basin Forest, which includes Gabon, has been described as the world’s “Second Lung” (with the Amazon rainforest being the first).  However, Gabon still lacks tourism infrastructure.  Roads are poor, the cost of air transportation is high, and “package tours” for sightseeing are underdeveloped.  The limited lodges in the parks do not have well developed tourist facilities or services and are very expensive relative to other African countries.

Gabon wants to promote sustainable ecotourism as part of its effort to diversify the economy.  The government has implemented measures to protect its natural resources and promote responsible travel, such as implementing strict regulations on fishing and hunting in the country’s protected areas. The government has also worked with local communities to promote sustainable tourism practices and ensure that local people benefit from the tourism industry and not just outside companies.