Cyprus - Country Commercial Guide
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Republic of Cyprus:

The ROC implemented its National Health System (NHS - Greek acronym GESY) on June 1, 2020, offering both outpatient and inpatient care services.  GESY is managed by the Health Insurance Organization (HIO), the single purchaser of services from both the public and private healthcare sectors.  GESY reduced out-of-pocket payments, long waiting lists for medical procedures, access inequalities, and the overall inefficiency of the previous system.   The ROC does not have a domestic medical equipment manufacturing industry, and approximately 75 percent of all medical equipment is imported, mainly from EU countries.  It does, however, host a large generic pharmaceuticals manufacturing industry. 

Area Administered by Turkish Cypriots:

Turkish Cypriot health “authorities” are attempting to harmonize health “legislation” with EU standards.  They follow World Health Organization international health regulations and have worked with counterparts in the ROC to address global issues such as Ebola and COVID-19.  Turkish Cypriots received vaccines and medical equipment from the Republic of Cyprus, acquired by the ROC through the EU’s centralized purchasing program during the COVID 19 pandemic.  Turkish Cypriots also received significant medical supplies and vaccines from Türkiye during the pandemic.

Leading Sub-Sectors and Opportunities

National Health Insurance Scheme Related Tenders:

As part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan for 2021-2026, Cyprus aims to invest in and modernize major elements of its healthcare system, including the health information system and upgrades to public and private hospitals. For other health related tenders and projects, click the following link:  eProcurement.

Area Administered by Turkish Cypriots:

Medical devices, medical disposables, and medical equipment are developing markets in the area administered by Turkish Cypriots.


Republic of Cyprus

Ministry of Health

Health Insurance Organization 

Purchasing and Supply Directorate


Cyprus Medical Devices Competent Authority (Note: Website is only available in the Greek language)