Cyprus - Country Commercial Guide
Business Travel
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Business Customs

The conventional business dress code in Cyprus usually calls for a suit and tie for men and conservative attire for women.  More casual wear is usually worn in the summer and when entertaining business guests, depending on the venue.  It is considered a courtesy for businesspeople to host business lunches or dinners while discussing possible cooperation.  Business cards are traditionally exchanged at business meetings and gifts are acceptable in the private sector and to a lesser extent in the public sector.  

Travel Advisory

Cyprus enjoys one of the lowest crime rates in Europe, good hygienic conditions, and a modern array of goods and services.  Visitors may obtain travel advisory information here.  Additionally, U.S. businesses in Cyprus can contact the U.S. Embassy in Nicosia and request a security briefing from the Regional Security Officer.

Visa requirements

Republic of Cyprus:

U.S. citizens can enter Cyprus for up to 90 days for tourism or business purposes without a visa.  Persons arriving with the intention to work must obtain special work permits. For more detailed information, please visit the website.  Enter and exit the Republic of Cyprus ONLY at Larnaca and Paphos airports and at the seaports of Limassol, Larnaca, and Paphos. The Republic of Cyprus does not consider entry or exit via Ercan Airport in the north to be a “egal entry or exit in Cyprus.

Area Administered by Turkish Cypriots:

U.S. citizens do not need visas to enter the area administered by Turkish Cypriots.    The Republic of Cyprus does not consider entry or exit via Ercan Airport in the north to be a legal entrance/exit into Cyprus.  Policy and procedures regarding such travel are subject to change.  More information on current procedures may be obtained at the U.N. Buffer Zone Ledra Palace checkpoint in Nicosia.

U.S. Companies that require travel of foreign businesspersons to the United States are advised that security evaluations are handled via an interagency process.  Visa applicants should go to the following link:  State Department Visa Website.  


Republic of Cyprus: 

The currency in the ROC is the Euro (€).  Using any other currency to pay for goods and services is uncommon.  Banks exchange many other currencies, but transactions are subject to commission.  Credit and debit cards such as Visa and MasterCard are widely used in hotels, stores, restaurants, supermarkets, and petrol stations, with Diners Club, Eurocard, and American Express less commonly accepted.  ATMs are widely available and located throughout the island.  Exchange rates and bank commissions are charged when an ATM is used for foreign currency withdrawal and for payments with cards in foreign currencies.  International transfers, possible through local banks and private financial agencies such as Western Union, are also subject to commission.  Banks do not issue travelers checks but can cash them, also with a commission.  Traveler’s checks are not used as a direct form of payment. 

Area Administered by Turkish Cypriots:

The local currency in the area administered by Turkish Cypriots is the Turkish Lira, but the Euro, U.S. Dollar, and British pound are widely accepted.  Banks exchange all currencies.  Credit and debit cards such as Visa and MasterCard are widely used in hotels, stores, restaurants, supermarkets, petrol stations.  ATMs are located throughout the north.  Exchange offices also exist to exchange mainly the commonly used currencies (Turkish Lira, Euro, British Pound, U.S. Dollar).  International transfers are possible through all banks.


Republic of Cyprus:

The island’s telecommunications system is advanced and efficient.  Two hundred and six countries (206) countries can be reached through fully automatic direct dialing.  Installation services are usually completed within a few days. Telefax and internet service are widely available, although telefax is scarcely used.  The average mobile internet connection speed through cellular networks is 88.87 Mega Bytes per Second (Mbps), and the average fixed internet connection speed is 27.96 Mbps.  Speeds of up to 100 Mbps are readily available for a higher fee.  Wi-Fi is widely available in hotels, restaurants, and coffee shops.  GSM cellular phone technology is the standard, and it is delivered on European frequencies.  The Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CyTA – a semi-governmental organization), Epic, PrimeTel and Cablenet provide fixed line, internet, and cellular phone services.  All four telecom operators have acquired a 5G spectrum license and CyTA and Epic launched their 5G networks.  CyTA announced in May 2022, that Cyprus had become the first EU member state to reach 100 percent 5G population coverage.  The Office of the Commissioner of Electronic Communications and Postal Regulations (OCECPR) regulates all telecommunication services (Note: The website is only available in the Greek language). 

The electricity and plug systems in Cyprus are 240 Voltage and 3-pin (U.K. style) plugs.

Area Administered by Turkish Cypriots:

The “Telecommunications Authority” provides telephone, telex, internet/ADSL, fax, and telegram transmission services.  Telephone service is integrated into the Turkish market and relies on Türkiye’s country code.  Two private companies, KKTCell (subsidiary of Turkish company Turkcell) and Telsim (now owned by the British Vodafone Company in Türkiye) provide GSM-Mobile services, including 3G and 4.5G as of September 7.  Internet services are widely available, including broadband services.


Republic of Cyprus:

Inner city travel is often by taxi, public buses, or rental car.  Cars are right-hand drive and rental cars are available in automatic and manual drive options.  Public transportation within cities and between towns has recently improved with more frequent routes, and old buses have been replaced with new, modern ones.  However, public transportation is still not as frequent or convenient as in many other EU countries.  Taxis are metered.  The cost for a taxi from Larnaca airport to Nicosia averages approximately $55 dollars (50 Euro).  In renting a car, prices will vary depending on the season and the visitor’s car selection.  Please note that visitors renting a car in the ROC, cannot drive into the Area Administered by Turkish Cypriots.  Air traffic is served through two international airports in the cities of Larnaca and Paphos.  Many international airlines offer daily flights to major destinations in Europe and the Middle East.  The ports of Limassol and Larnaca serve the country’s external trade and seaborne passenger traffic, acting also as transshipment centers for the region. 

Area Administered by Turkish Cypriots:

Public transportation in the north is often by public bus or taxi.  Rental car services are also available.  Distances between cities are relatively short.  Roads are generally serviceable.  Only Turkish carriers fly into Ercan airport, and all flights must currently touch down first in Türkiye.  Most goods destined for the area administered by Turkish Cypriots are transshipped through the Turkish port of Mersin, significantly increasing the cost of shipping cargo.  The two ports of Famagusta and Kyrenia are used for cargo and passenger transportation.

Language: The official languages in Cyprus are Greek and Turkish.  Greek and English are widely spoken in the Republic of Cyprus.  Turkish is spoken in the area administered by Turkish Cypriots, where English is also increasingly spoken.  English is usually preferred in business dealings.


Republic of Cyprus:

The World Health Organization acknowledges Cyprus’ health care as high standard and equivalent to other developed countries.  As of June 1, 2020, the Cyprus Health Insurance Organization implemented the National Health   System (NHS or Greek acronym GESY) under which, all Cypriot citizens are covered for outpatient and inpatient health care services.  Most facilities provide high level medical care with modern equipment and English-speaking medical professionals.  Doctors are mainly trained in Europe or the United States.  Almost all medicine brands are available in Cyprus and can be purchased at pharmacies through the NHS.  Foreign nationals entering Cyprus do not require specific infectious disease vaccinations, however, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), recommend some vaccines including, hepatitis A and B, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, Tdap, chickenpox, pneumonia, and influenza.  The Medical and Public Health Services department carries out frequent and strict inspections of food and water safety. 

COVID-19 Situation: As of June 1, 2022, Cyprus abolished all COVID-19 vaccination requirements and negative PCR tests for all travelers entering Cyprus.  For current conditions on COVID-19, check the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), and the Republic of Cyprus COVID-19 information website.

Area Administered by Turkish Cypriots:

Adequate access to health care is available.  Some patients note the lack of modern equipment at “state” hospitals.  Most medical professionals were trained in Türkiye.  While there are general hospitals in every city and several private clinics, those who can afford it tend to prefer receiving treatment at private hospitals.

For more information, please visit:  (Note: The website is only available in the Turkish language).

Local time, business hours, and holidays

Republic of Cyprus:

Local time in Cyprus is according to the Eastern European Time Zone.

Note 2023  list of Cyprus public holidays observed by businesspersons in Cyprus.

For a list of banking holidays, please visit the  Central Bank of Cyprus.

Businesspersons should avoid making appointments on public holidays.  The months of July and August are relatively slow months because many businesses close for summer vacation.  Other dates to avoid when setting appointments are Christmas and Easter.

Government Offices Standard Business Hours:

Monday – Friday:                                7:30-8:30 – 14:30-15:30                     

Banking sector:

Monday – Friday:                                7:30 – 15:00

(Note: Teller services are available to the public from 8:30 to 16:45 on Mondays and 8:30 to 13:00 on Tuesdays through Fridays).  Automatic tellers are available in larger cities but there are not as many one would expect to find in U.S. cities.

Private sector standard business hours vary.  The most common work hours companies follow are from 8:00 to 17:00 with a one-hour break between 13:00 and 14:00. 

Business travelers to Cyprus seeking appointments with U.S. Embassy Nicosia officials should contact the Political / Economic office in advance.  Section staff can be reached by phone at +357-22-393520, +357-22-393362, or +357-22-393361 or through email

Area Administered by Turkish Cypriots:

For a list of bank holidays, visit the Turkish Cypriot Banks Association (Note: The website is only available in the Turkish language)

“Government” Offices all year around:         

Monday – Friday                 08:00 – 15:30

Thursdays - 08:00 – 12:30 and 13:00 – 17:30

Standard business hours vary.  The most common work hours companies follow are from 8:00 to 17:00 with a one-hour break between 13:00 and 14:00. 


Monday – Friday                 08:00 – 12:30 and 14:00 – 15:30


Monday – Friday 07:30 – 16:00

Temporary Entry of Materials and Personal Belongings: There are no restrictions for temporary entry of materials or personal belongings within the limits of the law (e.g., no guns, narcotics, etc.).