Vietnam Skyline
U.S. Commercial Service Vietnam
Our network of trade professionals represents unparalleled global reach. Located in U.S. Embassies and Consulates, we provide market intelligence and business connections. Every day, we advocate on behalf of U.S. firms for easier market entry. 


Our team helps U.S. exporters identify potential business partners, obtain valuable market research, and launch their U.S.-made products and services in Vietnam. 

Succeed in Vietnam with the U.S. Commercial Service

Explore key resources and events that can help your international business in Vietnam.
Upcoming Trade Events
Learn about opportunities and make connections with potential partners/buyers.
Doing Business in ASEAN 
Consider other markets in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
Increasing Business in the Indo-Pacific 
Information on how the U.S. Government is supporting U.S. business in Asia. 
Learn about support and events for U.S. investment.
Business Service Providers
Find help for the different aspects of exporting.

Featured Market Intelligence Articles

Market Intelligence
Vietnam Energy Green Transport

On July 22, 2022, the Vietnam Government issued Decision 876/QD-TTg approving the Action Program for Transition to green energy transport until 2050. 

Design and Construction Services Southeast Asia
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Medical Device Registration

In Vietnam’s high growth medical device sector, in-country U.S. companies benefit from a new government decree extending current import licenses through 2024.

Medical Devices Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Cybersecurity Requirements and Capabilities

Exciting new developments in Vietnam cybersecurity sector have created more opportunities for U.S companies to export their products and services. 

Cybersecurity Southeast Asia