EU and USA flag. 3d illustration
U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council
U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council's events led by the U.S. Department of Commerce.


U.S. Department of Commerce Events

For information on the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council’s events led by the U.S., please email us. 

Email TTC Events

October 23, 2024 – SME Access to Finance Webinar: The Importance of Working Capital 

Recognizing the long business cycles associated with developing and using digital tools and the need to improve financing opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), this webinar, SME Access to Finance: the Importance of Working Capital, organized by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the U.S. Department of Commerce, enabled SMEs to better understand the importance of working capital and utilize resources from the SBA to address small business needs. 

Watch Recording of Webinar 

June 6, 2024 - Resources to Help SMEs Manage Cybersecurity Risks When Doing Business in the Transatlantic Marketplace

As small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) increasingly rely upon online services and digital devices to operate more effectively and efficiently across geographies, cybersecurity has become a fundamental risk that must be addressed alongside other business risks. This webinar will enable SMEs to be more resilient and compete more effectively in the face of increasing cybersecurity threats. The specific audience for this webinar is SMEs that export or that are not yet export ready and need to build awareness of options and resources.

Information and Registration

Past Events

4.4.2024 | 6th TTC Ministerial Event Livestream Stakeholder Event 

11.17.2023 | Working Group 1 Technology Standards Hybrid Workshop Event

5.31.2023 | Stakeholder Panel Event at the 4th TTC Ministerial Meeting

3.29.2023 | EU-U.S. TTC WG1 Digital Identity Subgroup Roundtable Workshop

2.16.2023 | Stakeholder Event on the EU-U.S. TTC Joint Roadmap for Trustworthy AI and Risk Management

12.13.2022 | View ”How Standards Help Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) to Innovate, Compete, and Grow,” which took place on December 13.

12.5.2022 | Roundtable for U.S. and European Stakeholders to discuss the future of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC).  

07.19.20222nd Joint EU-US Stakeholder Outreach on Dual Use Export Controls

07.09.2022 | Trade and Technology Council Working Group Webinar: Intellectual Property and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Digital Economy (9 am to 11 am EDT).  A key deliverable from that webinar was the release of High-Level Guidelines on Intellectual Property for SMEs - Learnings from the Webinar on Intellectual Property and SMEs in the Digital Economy, a best practice guide for how SMEs can best identify, protect, manage, and leverage their Intellectual Property.

07.09.2022 |The TTC Supply Chain Working Group convened an informational session on trans-Atlantic, industry-led initiatives aimed at advancing transparency regarding demand in the semiconductor industry. The session featured global stakeholders representing all segments of the semiconductor supply chain, consumers, the academic community, and market consultants.  Industry participants leading demand transparency initiatives discussed proposed solutions, progress to date, and next steps. Advancing transparency regarding demand is critical for advancing our shared goals of preventing future shortages and of supporting commercially viable investments in the semiconductor industry.

06.23.2022 | The TTC Working Group on Security and Competitiveness of Information and Communication Technology & Services (ICTS) conducted a virtual joint stakeholder meeting with the European Commission, hosted by the Atlantic Council, to provide an opportunity for U.S. and EU telecommunications industry representatives and officials to discuss TTC WG4 efforts and deliverables, and to welcome stakeholder feedback on next steps. This discussion included stakeholders from the private sector, business associations, academia, and civil society on both sides of the Atlantic.

05.06.2022 | Technology Standards Hybrid Workshop hosted by the Trade and Technology Council Working Group on Technology Standards Cooperation (12:30 – 17:30 GMT). Released following this Paris Ministerial: U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council Establishes Economic and Technology Policies & Initiatives and U.S.-EU Joint Statement of the Trade and Technology Council  (16 May).

04.19.2022 | TTC U.S. Stakeholder Roundtable at the Department of Commerce organized by the Office of Western & Northern Europe.

03.08.2022 | SME Digital Skills and Developing Strategies for Companies hosted by the Trade and Technology Council Working Group on Promoting SME Access To and Use of Digital Tools (9 am to 12 pm EST). A key deliverable from that webinar was the release of Digital Skills and Strategies Tips for SMEs, a best practice guide for how SMEs can develop strategies on using digital skills.

01.25.2022 | Cybersecurity Awareness Webinar hosted by the Trade and Technology Council Working Group on Promoting SME Access To and Use of Digital Tools (9 am to 11 am EST). A key deliverable from that webinar was the release of Cybersecurity Tips for SMEs, a best practice guide with resources for how SMEs can become more cyber-secure.

12.07.2021 | Secretary of Commerce and European Commission Executive Vice President Vestager convened a small, in-person roundtable with leaders of U.S. technology companies/associations and civil society organizations to allow stakeholders to provide individual perspectives on the goals and activities of the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC).

11.18.2021 | The U.S. Department of Commerce hosted more than 250 U.S. stakeholders for a virtual forum on November 18, 2021, to exchange views and provide input on the following working groups:

  • Information and Communication Technology and Services (ICTS) Security and Competitiveness
  • Promoting Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) Access to and Use of Digital Tools
  • Secure Supply Chains
  • Technology Standards Cooperation

10.17.2021 | Joint U.S.-EU Stakeholders Virtual Outreach on Dual-Use Export Controls, organized by the TTC Export Controls Cooperation Working Group.

10.15.2021 | Scoping Paper for the TTC Working Group 9 on Promoting SME Access to and Use of Digital Tools

9.29.2021 | TTC Ministerial Meeting in Pittsburg, PA
Please find the U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council Inaugural Joint Statement and the Fact Sheet: U.S.-EU Establish Common Principles to Update the Rules for the 21st Century Economy at Inaugural Trade and Technology Council Meeting which were released following the ministerial-level meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.