Trade Americas
Welcome to Trade Americas!
The U.S. Commercial Service helps U.S. business export goods and services to markets worldwide. The Trade Americas program brings together the resources of U.S. Commercial Service offices in 14 countries and State Department sections at U.S. Embassies in 10 additional markets, providing your company with a single point of access to regional trade events, our extensive services, and research covering markets throughout the region.
The Trade Americas site provides information on the existing and proposed free trade agreements throughout the region, market research, trade event lists, industry-specific information, business service providers, useful links, and key contacts.
How Can We Help You Expand Your Exports?

Business Services Provides in the Americas

The Business Service Provider (BSP) directories are designed to help U.S. companies identify professional service providers to assist them in the assessment, completion, and/or financing of an export transaction.