Textiles, Apparel & Consumer Goods
Our textiles, apparel, and consumer goods industry specialists are dedicated to enhancing the global competitiveness of the U.S. manufacturing industry, expanding market access, and increasing exports. The Textiles, Apparel & Consumer Goods Team uses our presence in 200 global cities to help you foster new business relationships and expand the world-wide presence of U.S. firms.

How Can We Help You Expand Your Exports?

Textiles & Apparel Market Intelligence
Kenya represents a huge market for secondhand clothing; Kenyan Company seeks to procure used clothing from U.S.A
This is an analysis of the top trends that are expected to continue into 2023 based on the 30 best-selling products in 2022 report by Nikkei Trendy.
Burma becoming less appealing to Western countries for apparel manufacturing; security concerns, cash flow shortages, and logistics pose challenges.
Key Resources for U.S. Exporters
A key resource to assist U.S. exporters identify international business development opportunities including current trends and demand, market entry strategies, key competitors, and more.
The U.S. Commercial Service’s Technical Textiles Resource Guide - 2020 Edition is an important tool to assist U.S. companies with identifying new international market opportunities.
The Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA) is the go-to source for trade data, information on trade agreements and trade preferences.