Man wearing blue shirt writing on paper on a desk
Free Trade Agreements

Singapore Free Trade Agreement

Singapore Free Trade Agreement

List of Free Trade Agreements by Country
Note: On December 30, 2003, President Bush issued a proclamation regarding implementation of the U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, which entered into force on January 1, 2004. The proclamation authorized changes in the U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule and Rules of Origin. View Modifications to Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States to Implement the United States-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (pdf)

Full Text

 Text of the Agreement

Long Annexes and Schedules

Annex 2B

General Notes

U.S. Tariff Schedule

Annex 2C

Singapore Tariff Schedule

Annex 3A

Product Specific Rules of Origin

Annex 3B

Integrated Sourcing Initiative

Annex 3C

Remanufactured Products

Annex 8A

U.S. Services Market Access Reservations

Singapore Services Market Access Reservations

Annex 8B

U.S. Services Market Access Reservations

Singapore Services Market Access Reservations

Annex 10B

U.S. Financial Services Reservations

Singapore Services Market Access Reservations

Side Letters

Side Letter on Customs Valuation

Side Letter on Legal Services

Side Letter on State Issues/Telecom

Side Letter on Telecom Divestment

Exchange of Letters on Financial Services Intermediaries

Exchange of Letters on Financial Services Non-conforming Measures

Exchange of Letters on Temporary Entry of Professionals

Exchange of Letters on Customary International Law

Exchange of Letters on Expropriation

Exchange of Letters on Land Expropriation

Exchange of Letters on the Possibility of a Bilateral Appellate Mechanism

Letter on Denial of Benefits

Exchange of Letters on Transfers

Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement

Intellectual Property Rights Optical Discs


TANC offers these agreements electronically as a public service for general reference. Every effort has been made to ensure that the text presented is complete and accurate. However, copies needed for legal purposes should be obtained from official archives maintained by the appropriate agency.