Contact Us or Apply for Services
Learn more below about how you can apply for the U.S. Commercial Service's Rural Export Center research service, and contact a REC staff member.

Rural Contact

Are you ready to RAISE your exports?

Qualifying, rural exporters can request a free research consultation. Contact us by emailing Please provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Company 
  • Address (Must be a U.S. address. Contact us at to determine eligibility.)
  • Email Address/Phone/Website
  • A brief explanation of your international research goals
  • A brief explanation of the type of international research you are seeking

Rural Export Center Staff

Our dedicated Rural Export Center team members are here to help. Contact a REC staff member below if you have any questions about how we can help you take your company global!
A picture of a woman
Kate Best
Program Manager, Contractor
Man in black tuxedo with black bowtie
Bryce Ciccaglione
Research Analyst, Contractor
Headshot of a woman with long dark hair
Summer Kerksick
Research Analyst, Contractor

A picture of a woman
Elizabeth Krekel
Research Analyst, Contractor
A picture of a woman
Andrea Nisely
Research Analyst, Contractor
picture of a man
Darin Stromstad
Research Analyst, Contractor
Picture of a woman with long brown hair wearing a black suit coat with a blue shirt
Ashley Wills
Research Analyst, Contractor