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RE+ 2023
September 11-14, 2023
Las Vegas, NV

RE+ 2023

The Trade Event Partnership Program at RE+!

RE+ | September 11-14, 2023 | Las Vegas, NV

Under the Trade Event Partnership Program, the U.S. Commercial Service (USCS) has identified the RE+ as an excellent opportunity for U.S. renewable energy companies to expand their business in the industry!

The U.S. Commercial Service is recruiting international buyer delegations from across the world to attend RE+ to meet with U.S. exhibitors and attendees at the show. Business-to-business (B2B) matchmaking meetings will be organized between these buyers and U.S. companies at the show. In addition, U.S. Embassy Energy Specialists from these countries will be on-hand to discuss market entry and expansion strategies; trade barriers; opportunities and challenges; and more in their countries through the International Market Counseling (IMC) meetings program. International Market Seminars will take place at the show. 

Countries Recruiting International Buyer Delegations to Attend RE+:
Check back, as more countries are being added each week!

Exhibit at RE+ 

In order to participate in the B2B or IMC meetings, U.S. companies must be registered exhibitors. To learn more about exhibiting at RE+, please visit: Why Exhibit? - RE+ (including SPI & ESI) (

Once registered to exhibit, please reach out to to sign-up for B2B meetings, IMC meetings, and international seminars. 

More about RE+ 

RE+ brings the modern energy industry together to foster a cleaner future for all. The largest and most comprehensive event in North America for the clean energy industry, RE+ is comprised of: Solar Power International (our flagship event), Energy Storage International, RE+ Power (including wind, and hydrogen and fuel cells), and RE+ Infrastructure (electric vehicles and microgrids) and brings together an extensive alliance of renewable energy leaders for multiple days of programming and networking opportunities. RE+ held its inaugural show as “Solar Power International” in 2004 to bring together the people, products, and professional development opportunities that drive the solar marketplace. The event has since evolved alongside the industry, bringing together an extensive alliance of clean energy leaders to become the largest gathering of   energy professionals in North America. Today, the multi-day event boasts 27,000+ professionals from all segments of the clean energy industry.  

For questions or more information on the delegations attending or programs being organized by the U.S. Commercial Service, please contact