RAISE Research
The Rural Export Center provides customized market intelligence for rural U.S. companies to assist in market identification and expansion.

RAISE Research

RAISE Research

Rural U.S. companies can receive customized RAISE market research from the USCS Rural Export Center (REC). This in-depth research will help you find the best international markets and identify specific potential partners. The REC works with local U.S. Commercial Service and foreign USCS offices to craft an individualized export strategy for your company.

RAISE Research can help companies with the following needs:

  • Determining if there is export opportunity, and where, including prioritized country rankings
  • Building a strategic export plan based on data and on-the-ground realities
  • Determining if a Trade Show, Trade Mission, or overseas trip is a worthwhile investment
  • Developing a prospective buyer list, to see who is currently on the ground active in your industry segment
  • Amplifying your presence at a trade show by developing a contact list to do promotions before the trade show.
  • Preparing for a meeting with a prospective buyer by researching opportunities in advance of the meeting

RAISE Research Steps


RAISE Services


A customized ranking of over 190 markets to help assess the export potential of your product or service. We use customizable, quantifiable market indicators and interactive weighting to prove where there’s a market that you may not expect. These can be used to compare regions, prepare an export plan, and create a strategy. 

Small Business = $950
Medium Business = $2250
Large Business = $2900

Country Report

If you know where the market is strong and want to target only one country, an in-depth Country Report provides granular insight into the next easiest actionable steps to increase exports. Using subscription databases worth over $1 million, we provide relevant market trends, export strategies, and trade shows, and identify partners.

Small Business = $950
Medium Business = $2250
Large Business = $2900

Potential Partner List

A potential partner list ranks overseas companies based on how well they fit your criteria for what makes a strong partner. These include company names, websites, and contact information for decision-makers in a company. Potential Partner Lists can help you prepare for a trade show or expand your current contact list.

Small Business = $400
Medium Business = $925
Large Business = $1200

REC Check

A quick due-diligence report on a potential partner to highlight any red flags or concerns.

Small Business = $150
Medium Business = $350
Large Business = $450

To classify your company’s business size, please refer to the SBA’s Table of Size Standards.

Additional Resources

You can find additional information about the Rural Export Center below.
Rural Success
Success stories and testimonials from companies who have used our services.
Wind Mills in the green field
Contact Us & Apply
Request a free research consultation and view our staff directory.