Top Export Market Rankings
Top Export Market Rankings
Through Top Export Market Rankings, ITA’s Industry & Analysis Office of Industry Engagement helps U.S. industry evaluate their industry-specific global competitiveness by comparing opportunities in international markets. Each market ranking highlights leading markets, sub-sector or product level opportunities, and challenges within a particular industry based on ITA’s exclusive methodology.
Industry, trade, and economic experts provide detailed analysis to strengthen the export competitiveness of U.S. industry and support strategies to unlock export and investment opportunities that benefit the U.S. economy. Explore the market rankings and discover valuable insights for developing business strategy, expanding reach, and staying competitive in a rapidly changing global market.
Available Top Export Market Rankings

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Industry & Analysis (I&A) produces in-depth trade analyses and engages with industries on trade strategies. We aim to create and implement innovative trade and investment strategies that unlock global opportunities for U.S. businesses.

Find and compare potential export markets using the inputs you provide and your business criteria, including the products you export or plan to.

Take a visual journey through the highlights from the Top Export Market Rankings, then peruse the rankings for a deeper dive into the top-ranked export markets.
The Top Export Market Rankings are a signature I&A output that helps exporters evaluate their next market by comparing opportunities across borders. Originally launched in 2015 as Top Market Reports, the Office of Industry Engagement has since reinvented and optimized them into a more user-friendly online format.