Office of Industry Engagement

large handshake with silhouette of people in city inside the hands

Our public-private partnerships bring together government resources, industry, and other stakeholders to collaborate on common goals. By leveraging the strengths and resources of the public and private sectors, public partnerships can help achieve greater efficiency in delivering services and programs. OIE fosters collaboration between government and industry to promote economic growth, address common challenges, and pursue shared objectives. 

Our Team

Profile photo of Blanche Ziv
Blanche Ziv
Acting Director
profile photo of Stephanie Dooley
Stephanie Dooley
Digital Strategy & Engagement
Profile Photo of Jessica Dulkadir
Jessica Dulkadir
Industry Trade Advisory Center & Market Development Cooperator Program
profile photo of Megan Finney
Megan Finney
Strategic Partnership Program
profile photo of Jesse Graves
Jesse Graves
Industry Trade Advisory Center &
Senior Advisor
profile photo of Brad Hess
Brad Hess
Market Development Cooperator Program
Headshot of Janiece Johnson with U.S. flag.
Janiece Johnson
Digital Strategy & Engagement
profile photo of John Miller
John Miller
Digital Strategy & Engagement
profile photo of Kate Von Richthofen
Kate von Richthofen
Top Export Market Rankings

Digital Strategy & Engagement

Our Digital Strategy & Engagement team provides services designed to help our internal teams increase their impact toward mission-related goals and improve the customer experience for customers. With a focus on data-driven insights, we provide invaluable assistance focusing on customer experiences through our website and other online digital channels.