Semiconductor component
Semiconductor Alert Mechanism
The Semiconductor Alert Mechanism (SAM) enables us to detect potential disruptions in the semiconductor supply chain earlier, while supporting faster problem solving through coordination with the private sector and U.S. trading partners.

Microelectronics Early Alert System

Are you a U.S. manufacturer experiencing semiconductor supply chain disruptions?

Shutdowns or disruptions to semiconductor manufacturing facilities and their related supply chains around the world can impact production for U.S. manufacturers across a wide range of industries.

Report disruptions by using the Semiconductor Alert Mechanism

The U.S. Department of Commerce established the Semiconductor Alert Mechanism to enable early detection of potential disruptions to the semiconductor supply chain and support faster problem solving through coordination with our trading partners and the private sector.

We want to hear from you!

Companies, manufacturers, or other interested parties with relevant information regarding any ongoing or potential semiconductor supply chain disruption can submit these updates via the Semiconductor Alert Mechanism.

To report a disruption:

  • Email with a description of the disruption, bottleneck or other semiconductor supply chain concern.
  • The International Trade Administration, on behalf of the U.S. Department of Commerce, reviews submissions on a rolling basis and will follow up as needed.

Note that information provided to the Semiconductor Alert Mechanism may be shared across the U.S. government or used to inform U.S. government outreach to foreign government officials. If your Semiconductor Alert submission includes confidential or proprietary business information or other information that should not be shared outside of the U.S. government, please identify any such information in your message.

Semiconductor Alert Mechanism