Market Intelligence
Medical Devices Peru

Peru Medical Devices

The growing Peruvian medical device market offers a significant opportunity for U.S. healthcare companies. Driven by a substantial increase in medical device purchases to $408 million in 2022, as well as a 9% increase in the Government of Peru’s health sector budget, Peru is an expanding market eager for innovation and quality. Despite this growth, there remains an annual deficit of US$ 982 million in medical devices, resulting in a considerable need for devices in areas such as prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care. This gap presents ample space for new entries and expansion, especially for U.S. companies that are global leaders in these fields.

Peru’s healthcare infrastructure also suffers from a stark disparity between Lima and other regions, highlighting the urgency to improve access nationwide. The lack of medical devices in hospitals has severe socioeconomic impacts, pushing households into deeper economic hardships due to inadequate healthcare access. By increasing purchases and enhancing the availability of much-needed medical devices, Peru aims to overcome its lagging position regionally and globally, addressing the healthcare deficiencies that significantly impact public health.

For U.S. medical device companies, Peru’s interest in fostering international cooperation presents an unparalleled opportunity not only for commercial expansion but also for contributing to the country’s health standards. U.S. firms have the potential to lead a public health revolution in Peru by introducing advanced technologies in telemedicine and other innovative devices crucial for prevalent diseases across the nation. Now is the opportune time for U.S. exporters to explore and leverage these opportunities for international cooperation and growth in Peru’s medical devices market.

For further information, please contact CS Peru Commercial Assistant Laura Robinson