Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Seeks Novel Ideas That Explore Artificial Intelligence

The UK MOD is seeking innovative proposals from industry to utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) for all activities below the threshold of war.

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Seeks Generation After Next Communications and Networks

The UK MOD seeks innovative proposals for its Communications and Networks Research Program to provide a disruptive advantage for UK military forces.  

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
The Belgian Ministry of Defense’s Security & Service, Technology, Ambition, Resilience (STAR) Plan

Belgian Ministry of Defense’s Security & Service, Technology, Ambition, Resilience Plan will generate billions of dollars in new procurement opportunities.

Defense Equipment Belgium Government Procurement
Market Intelligence
Philippines Commercial and Defense Space Opportunities

The emerging space technology market in the Philippines offers significant new opportunities for U.S. vendors of satellite equipment and services.

Satellites Philippines Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Defense and Security

Opportunities are growing for U.S. firms providing defense, safety, and security solutions to the enforcement agencies in Malaysia.

Safety Training Malaysia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Seeks AI Innovations to Solve Challenges

The UK MOD is seeking innovative proposals from industry that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help solve defense challenges and enhance military capability.

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Italy Aerospace and Defense Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)

Italy’s advanced air mobility (AAM) project will create an ecosystem for interurban commercial transport, freight transport and more.

Airports Italy Conformity Assessment
Market Intelligence
Israel Aerospace Opportunities El Al AIrline Strategic Plan

EL AL Airlines 5-Year Strategic Plan presents ample opportunities for U.S. companies

Aviation Israel
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Training for Land Forces

The UK MOD is seeking representative human terrain training for Land Forces to enhance military capability.

Defense Equipment United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Japan Space Industry

The Space industry presents U.S. business with market opportunities as domestic firms begin international projects and develop cutting-edge technologies.

Aerospace and Defense Japan Transport and Logistics
Market Intelligence
Israel Defense Industry Intro to Foreign Military Financing (FMF)

Israel is the leading global recipient of U.S. security assistance under the FMF program.

Aerospace and Defense Israel
Market Intelligence
Poland’s Space Market

The Polish space sector has been developing rapidly since Poland’s accession to the European Space Agency in 2012.

Space Poland Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Defense Seeks Innovators for Next Generation Satellite Communications Network

The Ministry of Defence seeks Industry innovation to define its next generation of military communications satellites.

Satellites United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
EU Export Controls

EU Updates the European Control List of Dual-Use Items and Technologies

Information and Communication Technology EU Export Controls
Market Intelligence
Tanzania Energy Tazama Pipeline Security a Top Priority

The governments of Tanzania and Zambia have agreed to strengthen security along an oil pipeline that runs the length of Tanzania terminating in Zambia.

Defense Equipment Tanzania Government Procurement