Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the Israel market and the export potential for your products and services!

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Market Intelligence
Israel Cosmetic and Personal Care Products Import Reform

The Israeli Government has launched a reform intended to ease and simplify importation of cosmetic and personal care products into Israel.

Cosmetics and Toiletries Israel
Market Intelligence
Israel Information Technology Ministry of Communications to increase fiber optic competition

New opportunities in Israel’s fiber optic network market

Information and Communication Technology Israel
Market Intelligence
Israel Healthcare Institutions National Master Plan

Israel – Opportunities in Healthcare Industry –Tama 49 – the Future of Health Institutions in Israel Circa 2048

Healthcare Israel
Market Intelligence
Israel's Oil and Gas Sector

Israel has been continuously developing its offshore gas resources since the first commercial discovery of natural gas in the year 2000.

Oil and Gas Israel
Market Intelligence
Israel Hotel Market – Overview & Growth, and Grant Programs

The Israeli Government offers a grant program to foreign investors in hotel and tourism projects.

Travel and Tourism Israel
Market Intelligence
Israel Space Industry Opportunities

Israel’s Space Industry is Developing an Infrastructure Center for Small Satellites

Space Israel
Market Intelligence
Israel Travel and Tourism Industry

The United States is the number one long-distance destination for Israeli travelers.

Travel and Tourism Israel
Market Intelligence
Israel Healthcare Industry

Medical devices are needed in rural and remote communities to shorten waiting periods for health care. 

Healthcare Israel
Market Intelligence
Israel Electric Utility Company Procurement Plan

Israel’s electricity company publishes $2.5 billion procurement plan and seeks U.S. Exporters of grid equipment.

Electricity Infrastructure Israel Government Procurement
Market Intelligence
Israel Updated Standard Reform

Israel’s updated import decree aims to simplify import procedures by easing the standards requirements and implementing a self declaring system.

Israel Standards
Market Intelligence
Israel Standards Reform

An updated import decree aims to simplify standards-related testing and documentation requirements in Israel. 

Israel Standards
Market Intelligence
Israel-Electricity Equipment & Technology

Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) will invest $1 billion annually to upgrade its transmission and distribution infrastructure. Significant opportunities exist for U.S. suppliers of relevant electricity equipment and technology.

Electricity Infrastructure Israel Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Israel Data Protection Regulation

This short report introduces American companies to Israel’s IRDS requirements and also provides a brief comparison between the IRDS and GDPR provisions. 

Cybersecurity Israel Legislation