Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
India Refinery Project

India’s first and largest green-field refinery project with a production capacity of 60 million tons per annum, and is touted to become the largest integrated refinery and petrochemical facility in the world. 

Oil and Gas India Trade Development
Market Intelligence
India Liquified Natural Gas Market

The Government of India (GOI) has ambitious plans to increase the share of natural gas from 6.5% to 15% within the next few years. 

Oil and Gas India
Market Intelligence
India Cybersecurity Market

The cybersecurity market in India offers many opportunities for U.S. companies, given India’s fast-growing digital economy and the crucial role played by IT services and the financial sector. 

Cybersecurity India Export Potential
Market Intelligence
India Power Plant Emissions

India’s new emission norms present numerous export opportunities for American air pollution control technology firms.  

Air Pollution Monitoring and Control India Environmental Management