Market Intelligence

Get comprehensive and up-to-date information about the Guatemala market and the export potential for your products and services!

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Market Intelligence
Guatemala Water Treatment Regulation

Imported technology is needed to implement water treatment plants in Guatemala’s 340 municipalities by May 2024.

Water Treatment Services Guatemala
Market Intelligence
Guatemala Water Treatment Infrastructure

Plans to improve water treatment in Guatemala represent potential for U.S. companies seeking commercial opportunities in this sector.

Water Treatment Services Guatemala
Market Intelligence
Guatemala Beauty Industry

New fees for sanitary licenses in Guatemala affect pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

Cosmetics and Toiletries Guatemala
Market Intelligence
Gautemala Defense and Security

The Government of Guatemala has reaffirmed a commitment to improve citizen safety by supporting better equipped security forces. 

Safety and Security Central America CAFTA-DR
Market Intelligence
Guatemala Healthcare Infrastructure

The expansion of Guatemala’s hospital infrastructure offers opportunities for U.S. companies.

Healthcare Guatemala