Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia High Tech Investment $200 million Fund Launched

Fund Announced as Part of New Strategy for the King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST).

Saudi Arabia Investment and Service Barriers
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Logistics Launch of the Master Plan for Logistics Centers

Saudi Crown Prince Launches a Master Plan for Logistics Centers as Part of National Effort to Transform the Kingdom into a Global Logistics Hub  

Distribution and Logistics Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia food service sector opportunities for U.S. companies

The food service sector in Saudi Arabia is the largest in the Middle East and is currently valued at around $13 billion, according to Fortune Business Insights.

Food and Beverage Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Tourism Red Sea Authority New regulations for maritime tourist activities

The Saudi Red Sea Authority (SRSA) has issued seven new regulations to facilitate navigational activities in the Red Sea.

Travel and Tourism Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Healthcare Industry Reforms

Saudi Arabia has introduced sweeping reforms and is investing heavily to implement a transformation of its healthcare sector.

Healthcare Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Mining Company Ma’aden to Expand Operations

Ma’aden launches its local content program “Tharwah” (Wealth).

Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Mining Funding and Opportunities

Saudi Arabia launches mining fund to seek mining assets globally.

Rare Earth Metals Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Mining Industry Investment Opportunities

Ma’aden presents investment opportunities at the PIF Private Sector Forum (March 15, 2023).

Industries Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Financial Services Central Bank Launches Open Banking Lab

Saudi Arabia’s Central Bank (SAMA) has announced the launch of the “Open Banking Lab.”

Banking Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia New Investment Marketing Authority Announced by Council of Ministers

Saudi Arabia’s Council of Ministers recently announced the establishment of the Saudi Investment Marketing Authority.

Industries Saudi Arabia Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia launches Private Sector Feedback Platform

Saudi Arabia’s National Competitiveness Center (NCC) has launched a private sector feedback platform to facilitate and collect private sector feedback.

Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Health Insurance Center

The Saudi Cabinet approved the establishment of the National Health Holding Company and the National Health Insurance Center. 

Healthcare Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Launches Health Clusters

The Saudi Ministry of Health (MOH) is launching health clusters across the country to empower beneficiaries and improve their access to health services.

Healthcare Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Net Neutrality Regulatory Framework

The Communications & Information Technology Commission (CITC) Published the Net Neutrality Regulations for Public Comments.

Information and Communication Technology Saudi Arabia
Market Intelligence
Saudi Arabia Cybersecurity

The Saudi National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA) mandates registration process for cybersecurity solution providers.

Cybersecurity Saudi Arabia