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Permeable fabrics used for landslip prevention and road maintenance are in high demand.
Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE) is Poland’s largest company in the electrical power sector.
The design and construction market for education facilities in China (including building materials) is expanding.
China is a leader in the global theme park industry and the world’s largest construction market.
The Australian Federal and State Governments are pursuing hydrogen fuel and power projects.
Rio de Janeiro will solicit bids for the state´s Water and Sewage Company (CEDAE)’s sewage collection and water treatment services.
Italy launches a national hydrogen strategy to help decarbonize the economy to meet European climate targets.
The Government of Italy (GOI) approved a decree to counter the impact of Covid-19 on the Italian economy.
According to the German think tank, Ember, 70 percent of methane leaks from Europe’s coal mines are in Poland.
Poland’s installed cap of electric power in renewable sources is insufficient for to meet EU 2020 obligation of 20% share of renewable energy in the final mix.
Brazil’s first private LNG Import Terminal within the Suape Port complex.
U.S. companies that are innovators and leaders in the forefront of IR4.0 technology are encouraged to contact us for more information.
The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) will raise crude production capacity to 5 million barrel per day (bpd) by 2030.
The Slovak market provides good opportunities for U.S. companies to supply equipment and technology for production of electricity and heat.
The UK Government launched its Green Jobs Taskforce, with the aim to create 2 million green jobs by 2030.