Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Australia Resource Recovery and Recycling

The waste and resource recovery industry manage considerable waste and recycling assets across all Australian states and territories.

Waste Management Services Australia Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Kazakhstan Alternative Oil Route

Kazakhstan has, for years, exported more than 79% of its crude oil to global markets via the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC). 

Oil and Gas Kazakhstan
Market Intelligence
Hungary and EU Oil Perspective

Can Russia simply sell more oil to Asia, as oil is more replaceable than gas?

Oil and Gas Hungary Government, Law and Regulation
Market Intelligence
Hungary and EU Gas Infrastructure

Can Russia reroute its gas exports to Asia, rather than to Europe?

Electricity Infrastructure Hungary International Cooperation
Market Intelligence
UAE Design and Construction Project Opportunities

The UAE’s construction sector is expected to recover in growing by almost 6% as delayed and stalled projects during the pandemic resume construction. 

Design and Construction United Arab Emirates
Market Intelligence
Canada Small Modular Reactors 2022 Progress

Canada’s new position on small modular reactor (SMR) development offers many opportunities for U.S. suppliers and sub-suppliers to the SMR industry.

Energy Canada
Market Intelligence
Tanzania Budget Analysis 2022/23

Among of the main objectives Tanzania’s budget is to build the economy,and reduce poverty and unemployment, especially to the youth.

Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Tanzania Government Influence Issues
Market Intelligence
Angola Energy Transition

Sonangol, the former Angolan fuel concessionaire which once held a number of companies not linked to oil and gas is now becoming a clean energy company.

Energy Angola
Market Intelligence
Ethiopia Renewable Energy

Ethiopia has renewable energy resources with the potential to generate over 60,000 MW of electric power from hydroelectric, wind, solar and geothermal sources.

Renewable Energy Ethiopia
Market Intelligence
Brazil Mining Sector

Brazil’s mining sector revenue increased 62% in 2021. The sector remains an excellent prospect for U.S. companies supplying the mining sector. 

Environmental Technology Brazil
Market Intelligence
Israel Electric Utility Company Procurement Plan

Israel’s electricity company publishes $2.5 billion procurement plan and seeks U.S. Exporters of grid equipment.

Electricity Infrastructure Israel Government Procurement
Market Intelligence
Hungary Regulatory Framework for Hydrogen

The European Commission will continue to improve the regulatory framework to assist development of energy infrastructure.

Electricity Infrastructure EU Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Colombia's Renewable Energy Industry

U.S. Renewable Energy companies may find business opportunities through the implementation of Colombia’s Energy Transition process. 

Renewable Energy Colombia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Colombia Hydrogen Roadmap

Clean energy investments in Colombia present business opportunities for U.S. companies.

Renewable Energy Colombia Trade Opportunities
Market Intelligence
Malaysian State Announces Green Energy Agenda

Malaysian State Announces Green Energy Agenda

Renewable Energy Malaysia Climate