Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence
Ireland Energy Security Supply

Irish government launches public consultation to develop country’s energy security policy. 

Energy Ireland
Market Intelligence
Croatia Geothermal Energy

Pre-tender consultations with potential suppliers of geothermal drill rigs are expected. The project, valued at over $30 million, is supported by EU funds.

Energy Croatia Environment and Natural Resources
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Solar Power Sector

Vietnam has been leading in solar power development in the ASEAN region. The solar power sector grew strongly, with a new capacity estimated at 17.6 GW in 2021.

Solar Energy Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Wind Power Sector

Wind power is among Vietnam’s priorities in the clean energy transition. It is estimated that 8.6% of Vietnam’s land mass could be used for wind power. 

Wind Energy Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Vietnam Energy Sector

Vietnam is one of Asia’s fastest-growing energy markets. Vietnam expects power consumption to grow from 10% annually until 2030. 

Energy Vietnam
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Aerospace

There are opportunities in Malaysia related to the development of a new airport city concept.

Airport and Ground Support Equipment Malaysia Development Plans
Market Intelligence
Ghana Trade Agreements

Tariff reductions under Ghana’s trade agreements with European Union and United Kingdom / Northern Ireland impact the competitive environment for U.S. exports.

Equipment and Machinery Ghana Trade Agreements
Market Intelligence
Malaysia Waste Management Solutions

Malaysia needs waste management solutions and has a lower recycling rate compared to its neighboring countries. 

Waste Management Services Malaysia Waste Management
Market Intelligence
Taiwan Green Building Market

Taiwan’s net-zero goals presents opportunities for U.S. green building suppliers.

Environmental Technology Taiwan Environmental Management
Market Intelligence
Japan Building & Construction - The World Expo Osaka 2025

Information on Request For Proposals (RFPs) for design and construction of the U.S. pavilion at the World Expo Osaka 2025      

Design and Construction Japan Trade Development
Market Intelligence
Serbia National Energy and Climate Draft Plan

In July 2022, Serbian Ministry of Mining and Energy presented its draft Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (INECP) through 2030 

Energy Serbia
Market Intelligence
United Kingdom Carbon Capture Market

Carbon capture, usage, and storage (CCUS) have been identified as a key opportunity for economic growth and for achieving net-zero emissions in the UK.

Energy United Kingdom
Market Intelligence
Mozambique Local Content Program Training Opportunities

Mozambique’s Local Content Group (LCG) seeks to promote Human Skills Development to Strengthen Local Small and Medium Enterprises and Develop Financing Lines.

Education Mozambique
Market Intelligence
Ghana New Oil Blocks

Ghana’s Energy Ministry announced that it will offer new oil blocks in Ghana’s Western and Eastern Basins for exploration through direct negotiations.

Oil and Gas Ghana Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
South Africa Special Economic Zones

Three Special Economic Zones are in Gauteng Province 

Energy South Africa