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U.S Commercial Service Kuwait
Our trade experts in the U.S. and Kuwait can help you find trade opportunities and win international business.

Kuwait Contact Us

If your company needs export assistance, begin by contacting your local U.S. Commercial Service (CS) office in the United States. You can also view the CS worldwide locations map. Our trade professionals are in more than 100 U.S. locations and can help coordinate with our overseas offices.

Contact Information:

Embassy of the United States of America
Commercial Section
P. O. Box 77, Safat
13001 Kuwait City
Tel: +965 2259 1011
Fax: +965 2259 1271
For business inquiries, email: office.kuwaitcity@trade.gov


Darrel Ching
Senior Commercial Officer
Email: Darrel.Ching@trade.gov 

Rasha Al-Muhtaseb
Commercial Specialist
Email: rasha.al-muhtaseb@trade.gov

Alaa Zayed
Commercial Assistant
Email: alaa.zayed@trade.gov

Irma Tongol
Budget Analyst
Email: irma.tongol@trade.gov

Yasir Arafat
Commercial Clerk
Email: yasir.arafat@trade.gov

Saajid Hasan
Desk Office for Kuwait
Tel: +1 202 7382768
Email: saajid.hasan@trade.gov