Kenya Skyline
U.S. Commercial Service Kenya
The U.S. Commercial Service network of trade professionals represents unparalleled global reach. We can help you discover export opportunities and identify local distributors and representatives in Kenya and Sub-Saharan Africa.


Succeed with the Commercial Service in Kenya

Kenya is a country of 54 million people that is rich in diverse cultures, people and natural heritage. Kenya has a market-based economy and is generally considered the economic, commercial, financial and logistics hub of East Africa. With the strongest industrial base in East Africa, Kenya has been successful in attracting U.S. exporters and investors. More U.S. companies are investing in Kenya and setting up local and regional operations to take advantage of Kenya’s strategic location, diversified economy, entrepreneurial workforce, comprehensive air routes, and status as a regional financial center. It is the most industrially developed country in East Africa, with a gross domestic product of $96 billion.

On July 8, 2020 the United States and Kenya entered into negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the goal of a concluding a comprehensive, high-standard agreement that can serve as a model for additional agreements across Africa. See the U.S.-Kenya FTA joint statement here.

Work with our team in Sub-Saharan Africa

Doing Business in Africa
The President's Council on Doing Business in Africa (PAC-DBIA) advises the President on ways to strengthen commercial engagement between the United States and African countries.
Prosper Africa
Prosper Africa is a U.S. Government Initiative with the goal to substantially increase two-way trade and investment between the United States and Africa.
Connect with foreign buyers and expand international sales by attending one of our global trade events!

Featured Market Intelligence Articles

Market Intelligence
Kenya Defense Designation of Kenya as a major Non-NATO U.S Ally (MNNA)

Defense: Kenya Designated a Major Non – NATO U.S. Ally (MNNA)

Safety and Security Kenya Economic Development and Investment
Market Intelligence
Kenya ICT Consultancy Service for Developing Regional Cross Border Data Transfer Governance Framework

Consultancy Service for Developing Kenya’s Regional Cross Border Data Transfer Governance Framework 

Information and Communication Technology Kenya Digital Economy
Market Intelligence
Kenya Shipyard Development and Operation Consulting Opportunity

Kenya looking for a Consultant to do a Feasibility Study on Development and Operation of a Shipyard under a         PPP Model

Shipbuilding Equipment and Services Kenya Trade Development
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