Man wearing blue shirt writing on paper on a desk
Free Trade Agreements

Jordan Free Trade Agreement

Jordan Free Trade Agreement

List of Free Trade Agreements by Country

Final Texts

Full Text

Annex 2.1: Tariff Elimination Schedule

United States General Notes

Tariff Elimination

General Notes to the US Tariff Schedule

Annex to the General Notes

United States Chapter 1-98

Jordan General Notes

Jordan General Notes

Jordan Chapters 1-97

Annex 2.2

Rules Of Origin

Annex 2.3

Article 2

Annex 3.1

Jordan Services Schedule

United States Services Schedule

Annex 3.2

Jordan Understanding Concerning Certain Reciprocity Requirements

Other Documents 

Intellectual Property Rights


Joint Statement on WTO Issues

Joint Statement on Technical Environmental Cooperation

Side Letters On Marketing Approval of Pharmaceutical Products

Side Letter on Marketing Approval of Pharmaceutical Products

Side Letter on Marketing Approval of Pharmaceutical Products 2

Side letters on GATS Article 5

Amb. Barshefsky Letter to Deputy Prime Minister Mohammad

Deputy Prime Minister Mohammad Halaiqah Letter to Amb. Barshefsky

Side Letters On Dispute Settlement

Jordanian Ambassador Marwan Muasher to USTR Robert Zoellick

USTR Robert Zoellick to Jordanian Ambassador Marwan Muasher

Letters Designating Entry-Into-Force Date

Jordanian Ambassador Marwan Muasher to AUSTR Catherine Novelli

AUSTR Catherine Novelli to Jordanian Ambassador Muasher


TANC offers these agreements electronically as a public service for general reference. Every effort has been made to ensure that the text presented is complete and accurate. However, copies needed for legal purposes should be obtained from official archives maintained by the appropriate agency.