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Featured U.S. Exporters (FUSE)
FUSE is an online directory of U.S. products and services featured on U.S. Commercial Service websites around the world.

Israel FUSE

FUSE Listings for Israel

These U.S. companies are seeking representation in Israel. Each company indicates the industry sector of interest, features a description of the products and/or services that the U.S. company is offering, and the type of commercial relationship it is seeking in this market.

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Product Description: is the most advanced free search tool for the high-security protective design industry. In our online marketplace, instantly find the exact anti-ram, ballistic-resistant, blast-resistant rated vehicle barriers, wedge barriers, bollards, FE/BR doors, ballistic-resistant windows, gates, wall systems, entrances, blast-resistant modules, anti-climb fences, and perimeter protection for your project anywhere in the world. Protogetic represents top global manufacturers and offers architects and engineers valuable resources including web seminars, expert talks, accredited product lists, and product certifications. Protogetic created the first searchable U.S. DoD anti-ram vehicle barrier list to find rated, approved barriers that satisfy high-security government requirements. We save time and money for architects who serve engineers, developers, law enforcement, military, NGOs, and financial institutions.

Product URL:
Company: — Spokane, WA
Objective: Seeking inquiries from potential buyers for direct sales.

Product Description: SnowPure Water Technologies supplies water purification and process components directly to system integrators in over 70 countries. Our technologies include: Electrodeionization (EDI), EDI Power Supplies, Nanofiltration (NF), Ultrafiltration (UF), Reverse Osmosis (RO), Ion-Exchange Membranes, Electrodialysis (ED), Ultraviolet (UV), and Gas-Transfer Membranes (GTM).

Snowpure Logo

With decades of exporting experience and industry knowledge, SnowPure works closely with industrial OEMs to help optimize system design and performance to ensure quality processes and product specification. Our technical expertise helps guide customers before, during, and after sales; even with troubleshooting long after system commissioning.

Product URL:
Company: SnowPure Water Technologies — San Clemente, CA
Objective: Seeking inquiries from potential buyers for direct sales.

Product Description: Torres Trade Law PLLC is an international trade & national security law firm representing U.S. & international clients -from multinationals & Fortune 500 companies to medium-sized & startup businesses- to successfully import and export goods, technology, and services. Our Attorneys & Advisors guide clients through myriad regulatory regimes & agencies that govern trade with the U.S. & assist clients in navigating regulatory challenges posed by U.S. and foreign trade policies. Our Attorneys & Advisors have extensive experience assisting clients with a wide range of foreign investment matters. Torres’ alliance with widely recognized international law & accounting associations provides local expertise with a global reach for effective cross-border business solutions.

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Product URL:
Company: Torres Trade Law, PLLC — Dallas, TX
Objective: Torres Trade Law, PLLC is an international trade & national security law firm supporting and advising U.S. & international businesses of all sizes to successfully conduct cross-border transactions, and import/export of goods, technology, & services across all commercial & military/defense sectors. Our professional services complement any international business model. Businesses seeking to expand to international markets will benefit from our expertise & guidance to avoid costly missteps that impede sustainable growth. For businesses with active import/export programs, Torres Trade Law supports ongoing regulatory compliance requirements, transactional due diligence, & assists in maintaining agile internal compliance programs including essential Environmental, Social & Governance protocols.