Man wearing blue shirt writing on paper on a desk
Free Trade Agreements

Israel Free Trade Agreement

Israel Free Trade Agreement

List of Free Trade Agreements by Country

Final Text

Full Text


Israel Preamble

Article 1

Establishment Of A Free Trade Area

Article 2

Rules Of Origin

Article 3

Relationship To Other Agreements

Article 4

New Restrictions On Trade

Article 5

Relief From Injury Caused By Import Competition

Article 6


Article 7

General And Security Exceptions

Article 8

Special Exception For Kashruth

Article 9


Article 10

Infant Industry

Article 11

Balance of Payments

Article 12


Article 13

Trade-Related Performance Requirements

Article 14

Intellectual Property

Article 15

Government Procurement

Article 16

Trade In Services

Article 17

Joint Committee

Article 18

Notice And Consultation

Article 19

Dispute Settlement

Article 20

Specific Duties

Article 21

Nomenclature Changes

Article 22

Entry Into Force


Annex I

Implementation of Duty-Free Treatment for United States Imports

Annex II

Implementation of Duty-Free Treatment for Israeli Imports

Annex III (Financial Services Non-Conforming Measures)

Rules Of Origin

Annex IV

Commitment on Subsidies


TANC offers these agreements electronically as a public service for general reference. Every effort has been made to ensure that the text presented is complete and accurate. However, copies needed for legal purposes should be obtained from official archives maintained by the appropriate agency.