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U.S. Commercial Service Hong Kong
Our trade experts in the U.S. and Hong Kong can help you find trade opportunities and win international business.

Hong Kong Contact Us

If your company needs assistance, begin by contacting your local U.S. Commercial Service (CS) office in the United States. Our trade professionals are in more than 100 U.S. locations and can help coordinate with our overseas offices. You can also view the CS worldwide locations map.

The U.S. Commercial Service is located in the American Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau.

U.S. Commercial Service
American Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau
26 Garden Road, Central
Fax: (852) 2845-9800
Email: office.hongkong@trade.gov

For export controls enquires please email to ECO office:
Email: eco.hongkong@trade.gov


Geoffrey Parish
Senior Commercial Officer

Paul Frost
Deputy Senior Commercial Officer

Boris Meyer
Senior Commercial Specialist
Industries covered: Financial Services, Information and Communications Technology, SelectUSA Coordinator

Natalie Tong
Commercial Specialist
Industries covered: Biotech and Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Consumer & Retail Goods, Cosmetics, Beauty Products, Nutritional Supplements, Franchising, Apparel, Pet Food and Products, Pleasure Boats, Travel and Tourism

Michael Wajntal
Commercial Specialist
Industries covered: Design, Construction and Infrastructure, Distribution & Logistics, Marine Technology, Transportation (Aviation, Automotive), and Heavy Industries (Equipment and Machinery, Industrial Materials and Chemicals), Environmental Technologies, Energy

Nicole Yan
Commercial Specialist
Industries covered: FinTech, Media and Entertainment, Business and Professional Services, and Safety and Security, SelectUSA Tech Coordinator

Timothy Zee
Commercial Assistant
Industries covered: Agribusiness, Food and Beverages, Education, Sports