Guinea coastline
U.S. Commercial Service Partner Post Guinea
Our network of trade professionals represent an unparalleled global reach. Located in U.S. Embassies and Consulates, we provide market intelligence and business connections. Every day, we advocate on behalf of U.S. firms for easier market entry.

Guinea Contact us

U.S. Commercial Service Partner Post Guinea

The team in Guinea works in partnership with the Commercial Service in South Africa to bring U.S. firms the full range of services in this developing market.

U.S. Embassy Guinea
Transversale No. 2
Centre Administratif de Koloma
Commune de Ratoma
Conakry, Republic of Guinea
Phone: +224-655-104-000
Fax: +224-655-104-297

Ms. Caroline Corcoran
Economic and Commercial Officer
U.S. Embassy Guinea
Tel:  +224 655 10 41 32

Ms. Mahawa Camara
Economic and Commercial Assistant
U.S. Embassy Guinea
Tel:  Ext. +224 655 10 42 26
Cell: +224 629 000 413

Mr. Mohammed Essay
Commercial Specialist / CS Partner Post Manager
U.S. Commercial Service South Africa 
Tel: +27 (0)11 290 3025