FTA Tariff Tool Search
Use the FTA Tariff Tool to quickly find the tariff and rule of origin for your product.
Learn what criteria your product needs to meet to qualify for preferential (lower) tariffs.
In three easy steps, find critical information for your products.
- Tell the tool whether you are importing or exporting
- Enter the FTA partner country
- Enter your Harmonized System or HS Code
The Tool only displays the preferential tariff rates negotiated under the U.S. FTAs. In some instances, FTA partner countries may have unilaterally reduced their most-favored nation (MFN) tariff rate below the FTA rate. In these instances, U.S. exports would receive the MFN rate and not receive preferential treatment into that market.
Additionally, the FTA Tariff Tool does not account for changes to the tariff nomenclature since the FTA was negotiated. So, the HS number listed may not be the current HS number for that product in the relevant country.
The FTA Tariff Tool only includes trading partners with which the U.S. has an FTA and product descriptions for trading partner tariff schedules not published in English are in the relevant foreign language, such as Spanish or French.
These tariff schedules are included in the tariff nomenclature of the United States and its FTA partners at the time the individual agreements were negotiated and are provided here as a public service for general reference. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information presented is complete and accurate. However, the actual tariff classification, assessment, and update to the nomenclature is up to the customs authorities in the United States or the FTA partner countries. Copies needed for legal purposes should be obtained from the appropriate customs agency.
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