Renewable Energy Icons
Clean EDGE Trade Mission to India
ITA is organizing a Clean EDGE (Enhancing Development and Growth through Clean Energy) and Environmental Technologies Business Development Mission to India, March 4-8, 2024, and an optional stop on March 11, 2024.

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International Trade Administration Contacts for the Energy Industry

The International Trade Administration offers a range of industry expertise and business development opportunities across the energy industry including industry data and trends, market intelligence, and trade events leveraging our Office of Energy and Environmental Industries (OEEI) and the U.S. Commercial Service’s worldwide network located in 100 offices nationwide and in more than 70 international offices.

Energy Industry Contacts

Take advantage of the expertise offered across the International Trade Administration export value chain.

U.S. Commercial Service Offices in the United States

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Cathy Gibbons 

Global Energy Team Leader 

White Plains, NY

Office of Energy and Environmental Industries (OEEI)

ITA’s Office of Energy and Environmental Industries (OEEI) advances the competitiveness of U.S. industries by leveraging in-depth sector expertise to identify their most pressing trade challenges and top opportunities and coordinating public-private sector responses. Our responses include supporting immediate export opportunities, setting up broader market development efforts to create demand for U.S. exports and developing whole-of-government initiatives to address systemic constraints on U.S. export competitiveness. Primary areas of coverage include the goods and services associated with the following sectors: renewable energy (biofuel, biomass, geothermal, hydro, solar, wind), smart grid (electricity transmission and distribution), energy storage, civil nuclear energy, fossil energy (oil, gas, coal), and environmental technologies (pollution prevention, air pollution control, water and waste).

Civil NuclearJonathan Chesebro & Emily Church
Design, Construction, Procurement, Operation, Maintenance, Fuel Transportation/Storage, Decommissioning
Environmental Technologies

Anna Cron
Air Pollution Control (Stationary/Mobile), Monitoring Technologies, Instrumentation and Software, Carbon Management Technologies

Evelina Scott
Waste, Wastewater, Industrial Water Treatment, Desalination, Remediation, Metering, Conveyance

Alec Hilton 
Municipal Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, Recycling, Resource Recovery

Electricity Infrastructure/Smart GridAndrew Moyseowicz & Sarah Rolling                                                                            Electricity Transmission, Distribution, Metering
Energy Storage Sam Schatmeyer 
Energy Storage, Lithium-Ion Batteries, Pumped Hydro
Fossil FuelsVictoria Yue and Rorey Hughes
Oil and Gas Equipment, Mining Equipment, Fossil Fuels Commodities
HydrogenCharles Saad, Connor Lemcke, & Sarah Rolling                                                              Hydrogen and Derivatives Production, Transportation, Distribution, and End-uses
Renewable EnergyChristian Herman, Connor Lemcke, & Rorey Hughes
Solar, Renewable Fuels, Biomass, 
Wind, Hydro, Geothermal
Thermal PowerChristian Herman & Connor Lemcke
Natural Gas Power Plants, Coal-Fired Power Plants, Combined Heat and Power, General Parts and Components for Power Generation