Ukraine - Country Commercial Guide
Licensing Requirements for Professional Services
Last published date:

Licensing requirements for all types of businesses in Ukraine are governed by the Law On Licensing of Types of Business Activities updated on August 2022. This law requires licenses for 34 types of business activities, many of which are professional services. Among them:

  • Granting guarantees and suretyships
  • Financial leasing
  • Factoring
  • Trust management of financial assets
  • Specific types of insurance as defined by the legislation
  • Lending funds with their further return
  • Granting loans including financial credits
  • Administration of private pension funds
  • Administration of financial assets for purchase of goods for groups of purchasers
  • Property management for financing constructions or real estate transactions
  • Professional activity in securities market
  • Transportation of passengers, dangerous goods and hazardous waste by river, sea, road, rail and air transport, international carriage of passengers and goods by road vehicles;
  • Security guard activities
  • Tour operator activity
  • Brokering in employment abroad
  • TV and radio broadcasting
  • Production distribution and importation of medical products
  • Veterinary and medicinal practice
  • Recycling and disposal of household waste
  • Gambling operator activity