Rwanda Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in rwanda, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Customs Regulations
Last published date:

The Customs Services Department under the RRA has the primary function of collecting and accounting for import duties and taxes on imports.  All importers must use clearing agents to process goods through customs.  Several private warehouses exist, and many businesses have their own warehouses.  The cost of warehousing is based on handling charges and length of warehousing. 

Customs clearance procedures can be found at RRA website.

For further information on customs regulations, please contact:

Fauza Musheija
Head of Kigali Field Operations
Customs Department Services
Rwanda Revenue Authority
P.O. Box 718, Kigali
+250 78 8185675

Felicien Mwumvaneza

Commissioner for Customs Services
Rwanda Revenue Authority
Customs Gikondo Magerwa

P.O. Box 3987, Kigali or   
+250 78 8185711

William Musoni
Deputy Commissioner for Customs Services
Rwanda Revenue Authority
Customs Gikondo Magerwa
P.O. Box 3987, Kigali or 
+250 78 8185840