Poland Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in poland, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Licensing Requirements for Professional Services
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A current list of regulated professions in Poland is available in the EU Regulated Professions Database, and includes information on competent authorities for each profession. In the case of professional qualifications obtained in the United States or other non-EU countries, the recognition of professional qualifications in Poland takes place in accordance with the provisions of Polish law.

Following EU law, Poland recognizes professional qualification that have already been recognized in the EU. If an individual with a foreign qualification was recognized in an EU member state and wishes to move to another EU country and has worked for at least three years in the EU country that has first recognized the qualifications, that individual can apply for professional recognition in another EU country under the rules that apply to professionals that have received their qualification from an EU country. To prove the necessary experience to exercise a profession, a certificate issued by the EU country that first recognized qualifications may be needed. This applies to both EU citizens and non-EU citizens.

Recognition of qualifications for academic purposes, including graduation certificates and degree recognition is subject to the Lisbon Recognition Convention. The ENIC-NARIC network provides advice on (cross-border) recognition of these qualifications. In Poland, the Ministry of Education and Science is the primary contact for recognition of diplomas and professional qualifications. Please see the Ministry’s Coordination Point for Polish and European Qualifications Framework for more information on this topic.

For individuals who would like to practice their profession in Poland, the first step is to get a work permit. Their employers should apply for the work permit to the provincial authorities in Poland. In case of unregulated professions, it is up to an employer to accept the individual’s foreign qualifications.

Poland has an extensive list of business activities that are regulated, such as banking, insurance, broadcasting, and telecommunication services, to name just a few. Despite Poland ceasing licensing requirements for firms offering legal or accounting services, professionals are required to confirm their professional qualifications in Europe or locally.

A list of the types of economic activities that require concessions, licenses, or entry to a registry of regulated economic activities, including information on the authorities in charge, is available on the Business in Poland website.