Papua new guinea Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in papua new guinea, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Fisheries Equipment
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PNG National Fisheries Authority (NFA), the authority responsible for the growth and development of the fisheries sector, manages the largest fisheries zone in the South Pacific - 2.4 million square kilometers.   Fishing operations range from small-scale coastal commercial operations to large-scale deep-water tuna fishing operations.  The tuna industry has evolved from licensed harvesting by international fishing vessels and now includes in-country production and canning operations.  PNG delivers 14 percent of the world’s tuna catches and has an existing agreement with the European Union to allow duty-free exportation of tuna to the region.  NFA plans to increase downstream processing of fisheries products to 50 percent by 2025.  At the 51st Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) summit Prime Minister Marape highlighted that PNG would allow operators in its resource sector to change their licenses to not just harvest and exporting raw product but to make the finished product for export as well.  The total market value of PNG’s tuna catch is estimated between US$99 million to US$114 million on average.


The fisheries industry promotes private sector participation in handling, processing, and marine products marketing, craft construction, repairs and maintenance, engine sales and ice and fishing equipment sales.  With the PNG government’s emphasis on more downstream processing facilities for fisheries, more processing facilities are expected to be built over the next three to five years and U.S. companies can tap into opportunities to invest or provide technical services and equipment to these projects.


Event:  The 8th Pacific Tuna Forum in Port Moresby PNG is held from September 6-7, 2023.  PTF 2023 provides a rare opportunity for policy makers, industry players, regional organizations, and prospective investors to converge and network on all matters concerning tuna in the WCPO Region and across the Pacific.

PNG agencies and departments in this sector:

  • PNG Investment Promotion Authority
  • PNG National Fisheries Authority
  • Fishing Industry Association PNG