Kosovo Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in kosovo, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Trade Barriers
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Kosovo has no general economic restrictions on imports. In June 2023, the Kosovan government, citing security concerns, placed a ban on Serbian-origin goods that has caused significant confusion to importers and has had a negative impact on companies owned by foreign entities in Kosovo due to supply chain disruptions. Notwithstanding repeated requests, the Kosovan government has not provided any explanation of how this ban has mitigated security threats Some animal and plant products are required to undergo phytosanitary or veterinary inspections at border control. Local distributors of U.S. companies must complete an application form and health certificate to import animal food products, including poultry products. Kosovo accepts USDA food-safety inspection service certificates. The Kosovo Food and Veterinary Agency’s Phytosanitary Division requires control certificates and certificates of origin for all imports.

Import licenses are required for pharmaceutical products, live animals, and tobacco products. An import license is required for production inputs and raw materials associated with manufacturing of pharmaceutical products. Licenses can be obtained from the Kosovo Medicines Agency (KMA) for six months, with an additional six months in case the import was not completed as scheduled. Quality and safety requirements for pharmaceutical products also stipulate that the following documents accompany every import:

  • Business license issued by the Competent Authority;
  • Marketing authorization for medicinal product issued by the KMA;
  • Importing authorization held by the importer granted by the KMA, or an
  • Import license issued by KMA that should meet the Good Manufacturing Practice standards; and a
  • Batch Certificate of Analysis for each batch of medicinal product imported.
  • Medicinal products should have at least one year of shelf life remaining after import, unless the product itself stipulates a shorter shelf life, in which case it should have at least 2/3 of its shelf life remaining after import.

These procedures are subject to change; please contact the KMA for up-to-date guidance. Information on sanitary requirements can be obtained from the Kosovo Ministry of Health. Information on phytosanitary and veterinary requirements can be obtained from the Kosovo Food and Veterinary Agency in the Office of the Prime Minister.