Fiji - Country Commercial Guide
Trade Barriers
Last published date:

Biosecurity measures

The Biosecurity Authority of Fiji (BAF) is responsible for Fiji’s biosecurity regulations, and control of movement of animals and plants into, out of and within Fiji, including issuing of import permits and inspecting shipments.  Products originating from the U.S. such as animal meat, dairy products, kefir, natural flavored noodles, and pet food are currently prohibited for import into Fiji.  Detailed information on import requirements of wheat grain in containers and ship holds from the United States can be found on BAF’s website.  Honey is a prohibited import from all countries.

Import permits are required for foods which are considered to be harmful to the environment and sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) among others.  Imported goods are subject to duties.  Reimbursement of duties can be claimed for re-exported goods.