Ecuador - Country Commercial Guide
Trade Agreements
Last published date:

Ecuador is a member of the Andean Community with Peru, Colombia, and Bolivia, and joined in January 2017 the Comprehensive Trade Agreement with the European Union.  Ecuador has entered into free trade agreements with Chile, the United Kingdom, and the European Free Trade Association (2020), which includes Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland.  Ecuador successfully negotiated free trade agreements with Costa Rica and the People’s Republic of China in 2023, with the two agreements pending final passage in the National Assembly.

In 1990, the United States and Ecuador signed the Trade and Investment Council Agreement (TIC).  The two governments updated the TIC in December 2020 by signing the Protocol on Trade Rules and Transparency.  The Protocol entered into force in August 2021 following National Assembly ratification.  The agreement updates the TIC with new annexes in four areas: Trade Facilitation and Customs Administration, Good Regulatory Practices, Anti-Corruption, and SMEs.