Brazil Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in brazil, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Safety and Security
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Brazil has an extensive and well-developed security market with many opportunities for U.S. companies. Opportunities for security suppliers will continue to emerge as the government focuses on infrastructure development to drive Gross Domestic Product forward. Local analysts anticipate that the market for security technologies across a wide range of critical national infrastructure segments will grow as the country continues its internal development. 

Safety and Security Industries  

Over the next decade, the Brazilian government security program aims to strengthen border control, combat organized crime, improve the prison system, create a national information system for public security agencies, and combat drug trafficking.    

At the state level, public security secretariats are also investing in the acquisition of new technologies to respond to the public outcry against crime across the country.  

Below is a summary chart of sectors expected to have the most equipment demand.

Summary chart of sectors expected to have the most equipment demand
Summary chart of sectors expected to have the most equipment demand

Brazil registered an average anual growth rate of 15-20% in the security sector for the last ten years with annual sales of US$26b including private security services. The market for electronic security equipment alone accounts for US$2b and is expected to increase to US$2.5b by 2023. Foreign products account for approximately 50 percent of the total electronic security market share. The market growth is attributed to a combination of new products, advances in artificial intelligence, and new telecommunications technologies, such as 5G.

Public safety remains a fundamental concern in Brazil, resulting in considerable investment in security equipment and technology. The pervasive nature of personal safety issues, from petty to organized crime, has gained enormous public and political visibility, leading the federal government to create a Public Security Department (SENASP or Secretaria Nacional De Segurança Pública)

Companies with know-how and technology in these areas are encouraged to establish partnerships with local Brazilian companies and participate in tenders and reverse auctions organized by the Brazilian government. To succeed in Brazil, U.S. companies must either be established in the country or have a well-informed local representative. It is important to have a distributor or systems integrator that can offer post-sales and maintenance services, offering replacement parts and repairs. Whether introducing a product to the market independently or entering with an existing local partner, it is necessary to have a well-designed market entry strategy to penetrate the Brazilian market.  

Brazilian state and municipal law enforcement agencies’ acquisitions are done through public bids. Generally, bids are evaluated based on technical specifications, price, and availability, with an emphasis on the lowest price.  The company that presents the lowest price and complies with all technical requirements and documents requested in the bid wins the contract. Sole source procurement is rare and generally only occurs with a national security justification.   

Leading Sub-Sectors and Opportunities

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is always evolving in the security industry. Companies are constantly evaluating evolving strategic technologies including artificial intelligence and native cloud computing solutions, according to a market trends report. There are many opportunities for solutions in digital transformation, including analytics capable of counting people and body camera deployment.

Growing the use of analytics, migrating to intelligent monitoring, and innovating to develop proactive solutions that prevent occurrences, anticipate risks, and stop criminal actions before they happen, are the major trend and most sought-after solutions for Brazilian federal, state, and local security forces. 

Cyber security is a priority for most companies. Brazil had more than 23 billion attempted cyberattacks during 2023, more than any other country in Latin America, according to data from Fortinet. As a result, both the public and private sector understand the importance of adopting a strong cybersecurity architecture. 

Private Security 

The private security market in Brazil, regulated and supervised by the Federal Police, is made up of 2,471 specialized companies, which provide contract surveillance services and 1,154 companies that directly hire security guards. 

Geographically, the security market is concentrated in the south and southeast regions of Brazil, where 63.4 percent of security companies and 65.5 percent of personnel can be found. Outside these regions, other states such as Bahia, Ceará, Pernambuco, Goiás and Distrito Federal (due to purchases made by the Federal Government) also have substantial investments. 

The largest clients in the security market are financial and commercial institutions. Port and airport security are other high-investment segments. Although they have existing improved security measures, the segments should continue to offer excellent opportunities for U.S. suppliers especially for security scanner manufacturers.

Public Security 

The use of non-lethal weapons, such as stun guns, has been growing year-over-year, indicating an emerging market trend across both the public and private sectors. Non-lethal technology companies have witnessed revenue growth above 30 percent.  The federal government policy has shifted towards the use of less harmful devices that are expected to prompt more sales. At the state level, the public security secretariats are also promoting investments in the acquisition of non-lethal technologies. Command and control centers have become the “brain and the heart” of the state police agencies, which need to be able to quickly analyze and coordinate responses to ensure the safety of urban security planning and dispatchments. Most Brazilian states have already adopted, are testing, or evaluating the use of portable operational cameras by security forces) and the Federal Highway Patrol Police (Polícia Rodoviária Federal, or PRF) is developing technical standards to establish minimum requirements for body camera performance for deployment in the public security sector. 

Electronic Security 

According to the latest Security Industry Association’s (ABESE) report, the Brazilian market for electronic security equipment is composed as follows:

  • Video Surveillance – 39.6%
  • Access Control – 20.8%
  • Intrusion Alarms – 19.2%
  • Fire Detection and Suppression – 10.4%
  • Electronic Surveillance – 10%

With more than 26,000 companies and an average market growth rate of 8% per year, businesses in the market expect to meet the demand for public and private security with solutions that use artificial intelligence, sensors, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to help prevent or resolve issues without the use of lethal weapons - which are restricted to police authorities or authorized surveillance companies.  


The market for drones is segmented by application (construction, agriculture, energy, entertainment, law enforcement and others) and type (fixed-wing or rotary-wing). Technological advances, in terms of payload and electronics, are expected to increase the rapid growth in demand for drones. The market is still in the early-adaptor phase in terms of mass adoption and use. 

Drones are being leveraged by a variety of applications and are being used by various government agencies to provide public services including internet in remote locations, aerial photography and video recording, wildlife surveying and documentation.  For example, under the Protected Areas of the Amazon Region (ARPA) program the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) is planning to test small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for surveillance and monitoring of the Amazon rainforest. 

To operate any type of UAV, users need to register with ANAC.    The Brazilian Civil Aviation Agency classifies the drones into 3 classes, according to the weight supported during takeoff:   The Brazilian Civil Aviation Agency classifies the drones into 3 classes, according to the weight supported during takeoff:   

  • Class 1 - Greater than 150 kg.   
  • Class 2- Between 150 and 25 kg.  
  • Class 3- Between 250 grams and 25 kg.   

Drones below 250 grams are considered only for recreational purposes and are not classified.  

Only class 1 and 2 drones require an Airworthiness Certificate (CA) for operation; they also need an RAB registration like any aircraft in the Brazilian fleet. Class 3 drones require System Registration of Unmanned Aircraft (SISANT).  

The tactical drones and UAV market is expected to record a compound annual growth rate of 19.85% from 2020–2025. The increasing sales of tactical UAVs can be attributed to increasing acquisitions by the public security agencies, which are working to improve its autonomous capabilities. The integration of technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and small drone swarms into existing tactical UAV technologies could provide future market opportunities for the development of advanced tactical UAV systems. 

Additionally, services provided by drones have increased in recent years, as demonstrated by the growth in the number of drones used for professional activities. According to ABESE - Brazilian Association of Electronic Security Equipment , Brazil follows global trends, and its drone market is divided among sectors as follows: 

  • Infrastructure (41%)
  • Agriculture (26%)
  • Logistics (10%)
  • Safety (8%)
  • Entertainment (7%)
  • Insurance (5%)
  • Mining (3%).   

There are approximately 113,000 registered drones in Brazil, according to  the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) indicating that the Brazilian market is maturing and now undergoing a period of investments in new companies, products, and services in the sector. 

Import Requirements & Documents

Having a local office or a trusted and well-respected local representative with extensive contacts and a solid sales record is a critical business practice to succeed in Brazil.  Federal and state law enforcement agencies in Brazil must obtain prior importation license and the International Importation Certificate (CII) from the Brazilian Army to fulfill importation requirements.

Selling to the Government  

To conduct business with the Brazilian government, U.S. companies must be prepared for a long and complex engagement. U.S. firms must comply with export and import control regulations.  


Brazilian state and municipal law enforcement agencies acquisitions are done through public bids. Generally, bids are evaluated based on technical specifications, price, and availability, with an emphasis on lowest price.  The company that presents the lowest price and complies with all technical requirements and documents requested in the bid wins the contract. Sole source procurement is rare and generally only occur with a national security justification.   

Limitations on Selling US Products and Services  

Aeronautical products must be certified by ANAC, Brazil’s agency responsible for the regulation, inspection, and safety of civil aviation activities, aeronautical products, and airport infrastructure. Pepper spray is classified as a weapon and regulated by the Brazilian Army. Only law enforcement officers and private security agents with a recognized less lethal weapons training certificate can carry it. The Brazilian government also established new homologation procedures for firearms, ballistic products, and ammunition, which are subject to certification by accredited laboratories in Brazil.

Distribution & Sales Channels  

Brazil is a large country.  U.S. companies without local representation may find it difficult to build relationships, get timely information, and gain access to decision-makers.  


Trade shows

  • LAAD Security 2024  is the meeting point for networking and updates for professionals in the areas of public security in Latin America. The exhibition brings together national and international companies that provide technologies, equipment, and services for public security, police forces, special forces, armed forces, law enforcement, homeland security, and security managers from major corporations, service concessionaires, and critical infrastructure in Brazil and Latin America. The show will take place in São Paulo from April 2-4, 2024.

Industry Business Associations  

For more information, please contact the U.S. Commercial Service Industry Specialist: