Bolivia - Country Commercial Guide
Last published date:


Passenger and other vehicle types, as well as spare parts and accessories, accounted for 11.5 percent of imports in 2021, a 20 percent increase from 2020.  Much of the new growth is in personal vehicles and trucks, but there is also increased interest in all types of road vehicles, including buses, and other commercial and heavy vehicles.  The government only authorizes the importation of these vehicles one year old or newer.  This means that the Bolivian fleet is extremely divided between new vehicles and significantly older ones, with many smuggled from neighboring countries, especially Chile.

Passenger Vehicle and Parts, million USD

Table: Passenger Vehicle and Parts, million USD
 201920202021*2022 estimated
Production202020212022*2023 estimated
Total Local Production 0 0 0N/A
Total Exports 0 0 0N/A
Total Imports602.8809.3938.2N/A
Imports from the U.S.25.929.636.6N/A
Total Market Size602.7809.3938.2N/A

 *Bolivian government does not provide estimates.

(Total market size = (total local production + imports) - exports)

Units: $ millions
Source: National Statistics Bureau (INE)

Leading Sub-Sectors

Cars, trucks, and buses and their associated maintenance equipment and spare parts are all markets that are growing.  Motorcycles, and other land vehicles, along with their parts and accessories, are also promising markets. 


U.S. companies can export new vehicles, as well as vehicle-related services, maintenance, and spare parts for older models.  The import prohibition on cars with right-side steering has led to increased demand for U.S. vehicles.  Right-side steering cars can no longer be imported and later converted to left-side steering.  Infrastructure in Bolivia needs improvement but due to the varied topography, many of the roadways in the country are not paved and need maintenance, creating opportunities for exporting road construction vehicles and equipment.  In addition, unpaved and unmaintained roads can cause undue wear on vehicles, but spare parts for newer vehicles may not be readily available in Bolivia, something for U.S. exporters in this market to consider.  In April 2022, to curb monopolies, the government passed a law allowing private citizens, not just registered importers, to directly import new vehicles.  Private Bolivian citizens can now benefit from the same conditions and taxes as a large importer, paving the way for fairer prices and a more modern vehicle fleet in Bolivia. 


Cámara Automotor Boliviana

Cámara Nacional de Comercio

Camara de Industria Comercio y Servicios de Santa Cruz (CAINCO)

Ministry of Public Works

National Statistics Bureau (INE)