Angola Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in angola, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Selling Factors & Techniques
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Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.Angola is a Portuguese-speaking country.  Outside of the petroleum sector, English is not widely spoken, even among top government officials or business leaders.   The ability to do business in Portuguese is essential to succeed in the non-petroleum sectors. The Government requires labeling in Portuguese for all imported goods, especially in the healthcare sector for medicines, cosmetics, hair care products, skin care and processed food.

The best way to do business in Angola is to find a local distributor or representative to handle business development throughout the country.  The selected distributor or representative should be financially solid, have the capacity to stock inventory and aftermarket parts, and to provide technical support for the specific products.  The distributor or agent should also be able to handle the complex import process, and demonstrate strong existing end user client ties, especially if the target client is the Angolan government.  U.S. companies wanting to establish strong Angola market presence also need to provide ongoing management oversight and training for the distributor/representative.

Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.Trade Promotion & AdvertisingImage removed.Image removed.Image removed.

Image removed.Image removed.Government-owned media include two television stations, a radio station, and Angola’s only daily newspaper, Jornal de Angola.  Private media include three television stations, several radio stations, and several privately owned press weeklies.  All of these media channels provide advertising opportunities. 

Press coverage can be another useful strategy for building market visibility in Angola.   However, it is important that media relations are carefully managed so that messaging is accurately presented.

For consumer-oriented products, billboard advertising is also common as is sponsorship of popular events.

In addition, social media is widely used and a cost-effective means to advertise in Angola.  Please refer to section on e-commerce for more information.

In technical and professional areas, conferences, symposiums by industry, and a limited number of trade shows provide opportunities for promotion and technical presentations that can help build market visibility and develop relationships with key buyers.  With COVID-19 travel and physical meeting restrictions, virtual video conferences, webinars and other online communications tools have become a more acceptable form to interact with Angolan government officials and private sector executives.     

Consistent marketing and business development efforts are key to business success in Angola.  Given the relatively small size of the business and government market, building and maintaining a good reputation for the company and/or product is key due to substantial reliance on client referrals.  A well selected distributor or representative can be key to this effort.

The main trade show in Angola, FILDA – the International Fair of Luanda - is normally held in July. This multi-industry show is a good platform to build market visibility, especially once an international company is established in the Angola market.   Normally, the FILDA show organizer hosts other smaller trade events in a range of sectors throughout the year. Angola’s trade show schedule can be found on FILDA’s website: .

Image removed.PricingImage removed.Image removed.Image removed.

Image removed.Image removed.Over the past several years high inflation has resulted in significantly higher market prices.  Even domestically produced and grown product prices continue to rise due to the high costs of production and imported inputs.  However, the Angolan Central Bank has implemented monetary policy to reduce inflation.  Angola’s 2022 inflation rate was approximately 21.36 percent.

Despite high inflation, among those who can afford to be selective, there is a continuing and growing appreciation in Angola for quality products.  Consumers are increasingly cognizant that inexpensive products that arrive in Angola from China and other African markets generally offer a lower quality than western brands.

Angola has been  an extremely expensive market.  For expatriates and business travelers it was ranked among the most expensive locations in the world.  However, the kwanza depreciated 30% in June 2023, reflecting a significant reduction of US dollars in the domestic foreign-exchange (FX) market. This was primarily driven by an absence in FX sales by the Angolan TreasuryImage removed..

Sales Service/Customer Support

Angolan consumers are increasingly demanding better sales service and customer support, on par with what they experience in travel to Europe, South Africa, and Dubai, and respond very positively to comparable levels of business services when offered in Angola.

Companies that can provide strong customer service with post-sales value-added services, spare parts, and technical support will be competitively positioned in the Angola market.  U.S. companies should consider committing the time and resources to build capacity through their appointed distributors to provide this type of quality service and support.

Image removed.Local Professional Services

Listings of Angola-based law firms, accounting firms, customs brokers, and freight companies experienced in working with international companies are available from the U.S. Commercial Service in Angola.


Commercial Banks

No U.S. banks operate in Angola.  Commercial banks in Angola are predominately Angolan, Portuguese, and South African.  The leading Angola-based banks with international business are listed below.  Several bank representative offices also exist in Angola.   For a complete listing of authorized Angolan financial institutions please see the National Bank of Angola’s list of authorized financial institutions.

Banco Angolano de Investimentos, S.A. -  BAI

Banco BIC, S.A. - BIC

Banco Caixa Geral Totta de Angola, S.A. - BCGTA

Banco Comercial Angolano, S.A. - BCA

Banco de Comércio e Indústria, S.A. - BCI

Banco de Fomento Angola, S.A. - BFA

Banco de Negócios Internacional, S.A. - BNI             

Banco Keve, S.A. - KEVE

Banco Millennium Angola, S.A. - BMA

Banco Privado Atlântico, S.A. - BPA

Banco Sol, S.A. - BSOL

Standard Bank de Angola, S.A. - SBA

Standard Chartered Bank de Angola, S.A. - SCBA

Law Firms Based in Angola

Alexandre Pegado - Escritório de Advogados

Phone: +244 (222) 391 930; 222-397 347

Fax: +244 (222) 397 131; 222-396 295

Email:; or


Arcélio Inácio de Almeida Matias – Ardja-Prestação de Serviços e

Consultoria, Lda

Cell: +244 923719169


Languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish:


Eduardo Sambo – Escritório de Advogados

Phone: +244 923 500230; 923 726036

Fax: +244 (222) 290 224






Elisa Rangel - Escritorio de Advogados

Phone: +244 (222) 335 814

Fax: +244 (222) 372 751

Elsa Sousa Rodrigues

Phone: +244 939 378 652



Fátima Freitas Advogados

Phone: +244 222 372 030 / 57 / 92, +244 222 020 559

Fax: +244 222 372 017



FBL Advogados 

In Luanda: 

Phone: + 244 222 397 073 / 222 339 396 / 222 393 263

Fax: + 244 222 393 273



In Benguela: 

Phone: +244 272 232 467 / +244 934512355



GLA Gabinete Legal Angola Advogados

Phone: +244 935 147 570

Fax: +244 222 443 388



LCF - Legal Counsel Firm Lourdes Caposso Fernandes & Associados

Phone: + 244 408080 e + 244 923 888 555


Legal Group Africa

Phone: +244 947 326 425



Maria José Teixeira –Advogados Associados

Phone/Fax: +244 (222) 324391

Cell: +244 923 330046; 912 501410



MG Advogados

Phone: +244 222337914 / 370019/26

Fax: +244 222335497



N-Advogados Nuno Albuquerque, Deolinda Ribas Sociedade de Advogados, RL

Phone: +244 928 391 751


Teodoro Bastos de Almeida – Advogado

Phone: +244 (222) 443 335; 222- 443 208; 222-443 306

Cell: +244 923-400 651

Fax: +244 (222) 442 564

Email: ;


Accounting and Advisory Firms

Adam Global - Angola


Baker Tilly International

Phone: +351 (210) 988 710



Crowe Horwath - Angola

Fax: +244 (222) 333 806



Deloitte – Angola

Rua. Kwame Nkrumah 10, 3º, 4º e 6º andar, Luanda

Phone: +244 923 168 100


KPMG - Angola

Edifício Moncada Prestige

Rua do Assalto ao Quartel de Moncada, nº15 2º, Luanda



Ernst & Young Angola

Presidente Business Center

Largo 17 de Setembro, n0

30 Piso - Sala 341


Phone: + 244 945 20 21 72



PricewaterhouseCoopers (Angola)

Edifício Presidente

Largo 17 de Setembro n.º 3 , 1º andar - Sala 137.

Luanda, Angola

Phone:.+244 227 286 109


Boston Consulting Angola

Avenida 4 de Fevereiro

Edifício Kilamba 8°Andar

Marginal de Luanda- Ingombota

Luanda, Angola.

Phone: +244 923 167 900


McKinsey - Angola

Avenida Lenine,

Torres Oceano,

Torre A, 21ºA


Luanda, Angola

Phone: +244 226 425 400

Fax: +244 226 425 401


PKF - Angola

Phone: +351 213 182 720

Fax: +244 222 338 957



Freight Companies Serving Angola

GAC – Angola

Fax: +244 (222) 323 070


Grimaldi Group Angola



MSC – Angola

Phone: +244 (222) 339 305



Nile Dutch

Phone:  + 244 (227) 326 980

Fax: + 244 (227) 326 963




Phone: +244 (226) 422 000

Fax: +244 (222) 310 034




Phone: +244 (922) 695 616



SDV-AMI Angola Lda – Bollore Group

Phone: +244 (222) 015 725

Fax: +244 (222) 015 734



Customs Brokers

Alexandre Carlos Pires Marcos

Phone: +244 (222) 350 224 / +244 (223) 456 789

Cell: +244 (915) 244 568 / +244 (930) 269 044



Helder Mateus

Phone: +244 222 100 515 / +244 222 100 529 / +244 925 485 649

Email: Geral@Heldermateus.Com

José Martins

Phone: +244 222 339 984 / +244 222 339 501 / +244 923 340 395



Luis Chagas Januário

Phone: +244 (222) 327 280; +244 (222) 320 669

Cell: +244 (912) 361 068; +244 (925) 084 921; +244 (936) 322 147


Limitations on Selling U.S. Products and Services

Private ownership is prohibited in Angola in the areas of defense, internal public order, and state security; banking activities relating to the operations of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance; administration of ports and airports; and other areas where the law gives the Angolan government exclusive responsibility for operations.  Investment in the petroleum, diamond, and financial sectors are governed by sector-specific legislation.

Principal Business Associations

American Chamber of Commerce in Angola (AmCham Angola) is a bilateral business chamber dedicated to promoting business between the United States and Angola and based in Luanda.

Angolan Industry Association (AIA) is the leading business association in Angola with nation-wide membership including both industry and agricultural sectors.

Angolan Community of Exporting and Internationalized Companies (CEEIA), established in 2013, is the association of Angolan companies with international activities and dedicated to promoting more exports and international partnerships among Angolan companies.

US-Angola Chamber of Commerce (USACC) is a bilateral business chamber promoting business between the United States and Angola with offices in both Washington, D.C. and Luanda.

Angolan Government Agencies related to business

On March 13, 2018 the government replaced the Angolan Investment and Export Promotion Agency (APIEX) with a new agency, the Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency (AIPEX). The new agency, which is under the Ministry of Economy, serves as a one-stop shop to promote investments and exports and the international competitiveness of Angolan companies.  Its U.S. office is located at the Angolan Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Angolan Embassy in the United States – Trade Office the Angolan government’s representation in the United States promoting Angolan business.