Celebrating Manufacturing Month 2021
Make Locally, Sell Globally
Looking to build your bottom line through new export sales? Please join us in recognizing Manufacturing Month 2021 with a series of virtual roundtables featuring accomplished small business manufacturers and experts. Hear their secrets and insights to help you grow your company’s international sales.
This month-long series of free webinars will provide an overview of federal government tools, resources, and services available to support U.S. companies of all sizes. They also will feature U.S. small businesses explaining how they worked with multiple government agencies to successfully boost their international sales.
With more than 95 percent of the world’s consumers living outside the United States, the focus will be on assisting U.S.-based companies tap into the global marketplace to expand their business and confidently export worldwide.
Spotlight on Manufacturing Webinar Series
A recording of each webinar was sent to all registrants. If you could not attend or missed a webinar but would still like to view the recording, please follow the "View Webinar Recording" links below.
Hear stories from three manufacturers who have effectively tapped Federal Government export assistance to achieve global market success. Federal agencies also quickly reviewed resources available to your company.
This webinar explored the idea phase, commercialization, and global growth journey of early-stage manufacturers. It featured small businesses who have effectively tapped federal government resources available to help identify export markets and international customers.
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. EST
This webinar discussed finance challenges and solutions available to U.S. manufacturers. It included a panel discussion with public- and private-sector partners about ways to ensure businesses have the working capital needed to fulfill sales orders as well as the export credit insurance needed to protect themselves against buyer nonpayment while also having the ability to offer favorable credit terms.
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. EST
This webinar featured a discussion facilitated by the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) focused on supply chain solutions for small and medium-sized manufacturers. Seasoned manufacturers discussed how to improve operations, reduce costs, and mitigate risk through effective supply chain management.
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. EST
This Spanish-language webinar, in collaboration with the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC), featured Hispanic-owned manufacturers sharing their export success stories. It also included federal agency representatives outlining export promotion resources.
Este seminario web, en colaboración con la Cámara de Comercio Hispana de E.E.U.U., presentará fabricantes de propiedad hispana que contarán sus historias de éxito de exportación. Además, incluirá representantes de agencias federales que compartirán recursos disponibles de promoción de exportación.