Myanmar skyscape
U.S. Commercial Service Burma (Myanmar)
Our network of trade professionals represents unparalleled global reach. Located in U.S. Embassies and Consulates, we provide market intelligence and business connections. Every day, we advocate on behalf of U.S. firms for easier market entry.


Our team helps U.S exporters identify potential business partners, obtain valuable market research, and launch their U.S.-made products and services in Burma’s complex market. 

In February 2021, the Burmese military (Tatmadaw) deposed the democratically elected civilian government, including President Win Myint and State Counsellor Aung San Suu, Kyi, and seized governing power. The military’s surprise coup has caused enormous damage to the country’s growing economy and social stability. The subsequent nationwide demonstration and the Tatmadaw’s escalating violent responses have negatively impacted many industries, mainly banking, finance, healthcare, financial technology, and logistics.

U.S. companies are strongly advised not to work with military-backed companies and sanctioned entities and conduct proper due diligence checks on local entities. Contact the U.S. Commercial Service for services that can help.

ImportantReview the U.S. State Department’s latest Travel Advisories for Burma.

Succeed in Burma (Myanmar) with the U.S. Commercial Service

Explore key resources and events that can help your international business in Burma.
Investment Climate Report
The State Department's assessment of Burma's business climate.
OFAC Sanctions
Find recent sanctions imposed by the Office of Foreign Asset Control, U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Export Controls
Announcement about export controls on Burma.

Featured Market Intelligence Articles

Market Intelligence
Burma Solar Energy

Learn more about the utilization of solar energy in Burma (Myanmar) which is steadily increasing. 

Solar Energy Burma
Market Intelligence
Burma Study Abroad

Burma’s outbound mobility rate for students is increasing steadily. 

Education Burma
Market Intelligence
Burma Healthcare

Burma’s healthcare industry remains resilient amid downturns.

Healthcare Burma