Industrial steel beams on the floor
Industry Import Monitoring and Analysis


Global Aluminum Trade

AIM Feature:

ITA released its new Global Scrap Monitor (GSM) continuing ITA’s expansion upon its various datasets tracking global steel and aluminum supply chains. Interest in the trade of steel and aluminum scrap, as well as growing understanding of the critical nature of these supply chains, has prompted ITA to release the GSM to track aggregate trade flows of these materials. GSM provides interactive charts in a readily accessible format on three standard aggregate product categories, Aluminum Scrap, Pig Iron/ Direct Reduced Iron, and Steel Scrap based on 6-digit international harmonized tariff schedule classifications. 


New! Global Scrap Monitor

Other aluminum pages

EC card laptop and glasses
Aluminum Import Licensing
All aluminum imports into the United States require an import license for Customs entry summary. The aluminum import license is an automatic license used for data collection purposes only. Importers and customs brokers use this website to obtain their aluminum licenses prior to completing their Customs entry documentation.
Man showing woman information on laptop.
Aluminum Trade Monitors
Commerce publishes: (1) the U.S. Aluminum Import Monitor, which combines data from Census and import licenses and is updated weekly; (2) the Country of Most Recent Cast Dashboard with information on the country where imported aluminum products were most recently cast; (3) the Country of Smelt Dashboard with information on the country where the primary aluminum was smelted; and (4) the Global Aluminum Trade Monitor.
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Aluminum Reports
ITA's reports provide information on aluminum trade and state of the U.S. aluminum industry.
Standing globe on table in meeting room
Current AD/CVD Proceedings
Find information on current AD/CVD Investigations, Orders and Suspension Agreements.

Please note that the IMAU monitors are used for statistical purposes only.
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