Aerospace & Defense
Our industry experts are dedicated to enhancing the global competitiveness of the U.S. aerospace and defense industry, expanding market access, and increasing exports. The Aerospace Team uses our presence in 200 global cities to help foster new business relationships and expand the world-wide presence of U.S. firms.
Aerospace & Defense
Our industry experts are dedicated to enhancing the global competitiveness of the U.S. aerospace and defense industry, expanding market access, and increasing exports. The Aerospace Team uses our presence in 200 global cities to help foster new business relationships and expand the world-wide presence of U.S. firms.
Aerospace & Defense
Our industry experts are dedicated to enhancing the global competitiveness of the U.S. aerospace and defense industry, expanding market access, and increasing exports. The Aerospace Team uses our presence in 200 global cities to help foster new business relationships and expand the world-wide presence of U.S. firms.

Aerospace and Defense Contact Us

International Trade Administration Contacts for the Aerospace & Defense Industry

The International Trade Administration offers a range of industry expertise and business development opportunities for U.S. aerospace and defense exporters including statistics, market intelligence, and trade events leveraging our Industry & Analysis and the U.S. Commercial Service’s worldwide network located in 100 offices nationwide and in more than 70 international offices.

Aerospace and Defense Contacts

Take advantage of the expertise offered across the International Trade Administration and U.S. Commercial Service export value chain.

Industry & Analysis Aerospace Team Directory

The Industry & Analysis’ Aerospace Team creates opportunities for export growth by reducing trade barriers and developing U.S. policies that support the competitiveness of the aerospace, defense, and commercial space sector to create U.S. employment and job growth.  We assist individual exporters and also address barriers facing the entire industry.  In addition, we provide trade statistics on the industry and market research information.  Contact our staff below.

Kim Wells
Team Leader (also space, defense, helicopters)
Tel: (202) 482-2232

Jonathan Alvear
International Trade Specialist (ITAC, CFIUS, data requests, unmanned systems, air traffic management, aviation security)
Tel: (202) 482-4125

Rick Cieri
International Trade Specialist (Western Hemisphere, CFIUS)
Tel: (202) 839-2354

Patrik Kjos
International Trade Specialist (Supply chain, CFIUS, clean technology/sustainable aviation fuels)
Tel: 202-815-6121

Stefanie Merchant
International Trade Specialist (Asia, India, defense, advanced air mobility, unmanned systems)
Tel: (202) 573-2772

Elizabeth Skokan
International Trade Specialist (Middle East, Africa)
Tel: 240-935-7173

Aerospace & Defense Trade Specialists in the United States

Our mission is to increase U.S. exports, enhance job creation, strengthen national security, promote and protect U.S. commercial interests abroad, and deliver customized solutions to ensure that U.S. businesses compete and win in the global marketplace. Export assistance is provided to U.S. companies who manufacture goods and/or provide services of at least 51% U.S. content. We assist companies in the following areas: International Trade Counseling, Business Matchmaking, Market Intelligence, Customized Services.