Robot with finger pointing at globe and text saying "Advanced Manufacturing"
Advanced Manufacturing
Our team of U.S. and international industry specialists in 200 global cities is dedicated to enhancing the global competitiveness of the U.S. manufacturing industry, expanding market access, and increasing exports.
glass jars of colored materials used in additive manufacturing
Plastics Materials and Equipment Export Guide
This 2024 guide provides an overview of the international Plastics Materials and Machinery Market
Machine equipment drilling
Machinery Manufacturing Dashboard
Dive into the numbers and learn how industrial equipment is essential to the U.S. economy.

Advanced Manufacturing Contact Us

International Trade Administration Contacts for the Advanced Manufacturing Industry

The International Trade Administration offers a range of industry expertise and business development opportunities for U.S. advanced manufacturing exporters including market intelligence, trade data, and trade events leveraging our Office of Transportation and Machinery and the U.S. Commercial Service’s worldwide network located in 100 offices nationwide and in more than 70 international offices.

Advanced Manufacturing Contacts

Looking for information on upcoming trade events or other business development opportunities? Please contact the Team Leaders or Subsector Leads.

Global Advanced Manufacturing Team Leader:

Molly Hope
Global Advanced Manufacturing Team Leader

Sector Co-Leads

Additive Manufacturing

Automation/Industry 4.0

Industrial Machinery

Industrial Materials

Material Handling/Woodworking


Padraic ‘Pat’ SweeneyMachinery Team Leader 
Monitors industry and trade policy issues on: International trade in Advanced Manufacturing Goods & Services, Material Handling Equipment, Food Processing Equipment, Packaging Machinery, and Agricultural Equipment
Phone: 202-482-5024

Forrest Nielsen
Designated Federal Officer (DFO) for the Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Automotive Equipment and Capital Goods (ITAC-2).
International Trade Specialist - Railway Equipment, Diesel Engines, Metalworking Equipment/Machine Tools, and Print Equipment
Phone: 202-482-5784

Jaron Bass
International Trade Specialist - Robotics, Additive Manufacturing, and Manufacturing Technologies
Phone: 202-839-2357

Amanda Lawrence
International Trade Specialist - Industrial Automation Technology, Process Controls and Sensors, Electric Motors, Precision Components including Industrial Valves
Phone: (202) 322-9146

U.S. Commercial Service Offices in the United States

Looking for local assistance in the advanced manufacturing industry?  Find your specialist with our zip code look-up to locate the office nearest you.