Webinars and Local Seminars
ITA regularly organizes webinars and local seminars on topics of interest to U.S. businesses and local exporting communities. Topics range from export education to opportunities and market conditions abroad. Many events are organized alongside public- and private-sector partners and are an excellent way to network with experts, other businesses, and export services providers. ITA maintains a schedule of all upcoming webinars and local seminars.
Without leaving your office, join live briefings with global trade professionals and industry experts, including the opportunity to raise your own questions and to hear what is on the minds of other businesses. Participants learn how to start or increase international sales and get valuable information on countries and industries of interest. Many webinars focus on practical topics such as export planning and strategy and required documentation and regulations.
Local Events
The U.S. Commercial Service, along with our local international trade partners, conducts ongoing conferences, seminars, and events to educate our clients and promote international trade. Whether it’s an executive briefing with a Commercial Service Officer from Australia or a networking reception with the local District Export Council, these events are designed to help U.S. exporters market locally and sell globally.